My School > Curriculum > Subject Choices > Export Subject Choices

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

This function exports subject information to Excel for analysing purposes.  Every time the data is exported it will create a new Excel workbook with the information as in the system at the time of the export.  The user must have Excel Export rights to be able to use this function. If needed, ask the Superuser (System Administrator) of your school to assign the necessary rights. 
Please be advised that enabling the Excel Export option will amend the Terms & Conditions of the Agreement between d6 Education and the school, to the effect that d6 Education cannot be held accountable for the safe-keeping of your school's exported data as the data is on a private device to which d6 has no access.
Several reports per learner or per educator are available.  The numbers in these reports can be used for exam invigilation planning, yearly timetables or to verify subject setups for reporting purposes. 
  1. Select the year for which the subjects should be exported.
  2. Indicate the term for which subject choices should be exported
  3. Choose to export subject information for current learners or all learners (Includes left learners for the selected period)
  4. Click "Export"
  1. Open the downloaded Excel report.
  2. Unlock the sheet by clicking on the yellow "Enable editing"-button at the top of the sheet.
  3. To view a report, click on the "Go" link next to the report name. 
  4. The next sheet displays a pivot table with a summary of the selected information. To see the learners or educators detail, double-click any number in the summary table to open the next sheet with all the information of the selected item.
  5. To return to the original menu, click on the "Index"-sheet.  
  6. Advanced Excel users can create their own reports by using the complete exported data on the first sheet, named "Worksheet"

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