Export to SA-SAMS database

Export to SA-SAMS database

Submitting your d6+ information to DOE

In order to prepare a valid SA-SAMS export, certain learner, parent and personnel information must be included. Although disclosure of this personal information contravenes the POPI Act, it is the only way in which you are able to comply with the Department of Basic Education data submission requirements.

Outstanding Tasks

Before exporting the d6+ information to an SA-SAMS database format, check the outstanding tasks to ensure that the information exported is as complete and up to date as possible.
  • My Home > My Tasks
  • My School > Compliance > Outstanding Compliance Tasks

1. Export to SA-SAMS database

When you have resolved as many of the tasks as possible,  continue to export the information to an SA-SAMs database format at My School > Compliance  > Export to SA-SAMS Database

Indicate if personal contact information should be hidden in the export In an effort to assist you in protecting as much sensitive information as possible, we have included an option “Hide sensitive information” which will hide all contact information, including addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses by replacing these with the school's contact information. This will however not affect anyone being “Paid by the state” as the Department of Education has the right to this information for Human Resource and Lurits purposes exclusively.
Please note that we, as the software vendor, do not accept any responsibility for the distribution or use of any information exported from the system, whether the “Hide sensitive information” option is used or not.

Select the information to be exported
  • Select the term for which you want to do the export.

  • Select the formula that should be used to calculate the marks that will be exported as the Term 4 mark in SA-SAMS.  Usually, the Promotion mark formula should be selected.  
    If you would like to export e.g. the SBA marks only this can be done by selecting the Year Mark option.

  • Select the first text box if all the learners, including Pre-Primary/Pre-R, need to be exported to SA-SAMS. We recommend that all schools including SNE select this option

  • Select the text box to export the subjects and marks for the CAPS subjects in d6+

  • Select the third text box if you want to recalculate your term results and the promotion results before the export starts. This is normally for end of term submissions.

Database information
  • Since d6+ does not provide a place to enter SA-SAMS information such as infrastructure or text books, you can enter this information directly into your exported SASams database. To ensure that you don’t have to re-enter it every time you export from d6+, you can upload that information to our servers to ensure that it will be included in the next export to SA-SAMS.

  • To upload such information, go to My School > Compliance > Upload to d6+. This needs to be done ONLY if you entered additional information into SA-SAMS.

What does the red cross or green tick mean?

  • Red cross: You have not uploaded any additional SA-SAMS information to d6+. Most schools will show a red cross on this screen, as it is not compulsory to upload information.

  • Green tick:  We found information that you uploaded before and will include it in this export.

    • Please note the date and time that the information was uploaded to d6+. 

    • Keep in mind that it will determine the version of the database that will be exported now.  

    • If it is a very old version, Export from d6, patch the exported database to the latest version and upload again to update the data saved on our servers.

  • If you did not enter any additional information in SA-SAMS, but uploaded your data by mistake, click “Remove” to delete what you uploaded on our server.

  • Select the first option if you want to export your data to a new empty database. 

  • Select the second option if you have previously uploaded your school's existing SA-SAMS database  

  • Once the export is done, the exported file or database will be downloaded and saved in your Downloads folder.

  • Unzip the file to open it on SA-SAMS.

2. Deploy the database in SA-SAMS

When you open SA-SAMS check if you are running the latest version

  • Select “On the Network”

  • “Browse” and select your exported database from your downloads folder. 

  • Click continue.

  • If the database you are opening is not in the same version as your SA-SAMS system, your database will be patched to the latest version. Click “OK” to allow the patch to update your database.

  • When SA-SAMS opens, you will need to accept the POPIA Acknowledgement before continuing to log in.

Log in details

  • Log in with the following details:
    User Name: 

Password:  12345

Button 17. Lurits Approval Module

  • When logged onto SA-SAMS, go to number 17 Lurits Approval Module

  • If any message pops up just click OK.

You have to approve every button on these tabs:

  • School information

  • Learner Info

  • Educator Info

  • Staff Information

  • Governing Info

  • Click on the School information Tab.

  • If the information is correct, tick the small tick box as shown below and click approve.

  • On the Learner tab,  you have to approve the information on each of the 4 buttons.

SA-SAMS will not allow you to approve a button if there are errors on any learners.  It will be indicated in red. To find out what the error is, hover your mouse on the red square next to the learner’s name.

In this example the learner has no subjects allocated

To correct the information, you have to allocate subjects to the learner
in d6 and repeat the export and deployment process.  It is therefore advisable to make notes of all the errors so that they can be corrected in bulk in d6.

Approve these buttons on the Educator Info tab
  • All Current

  • All Archived

Approve all these buttons on the Staff Information tab

  • All Current

  • All Archived

Approve all these buttons on the Governing Info info tab

  • All Active

  • All Inactive

Deploy the database

When all the information has been approved open the first tab: Lurits Status Stats and click on DEPLOY DATABASE.


  • Click “Yes” when the User Question pops up. 

  • Save the Deployment report as PDF for future reference by “printing” in PDF 

  • You can print, stamp and sign the report by opening the PDF where it was saved.

  • After saving the pdf-report, the Deployed Database will be saved in
    This PC > C-drive > ExportData > LuritsData

The next step is to open this file in Valistractor which is the DOE verification system. It will check several sections and indicate if your data needs correcting before submitting it to the DDD.

3. Submit the deployed database in Valistractor to DDD

Download Valistractor here:  DDD Data Sources

Select the deployed database

  • To submit your database to the DDD you need to open the Valistractor and select Database

  • Select the deployed database by clicking on Browse then navigate to C:\ExportData\LuritsData to locate your deployed database.

  • Select the term you need to submit then click on “Select”.

  • If you did not select a Deployed Database, the following error will display. Make sure that you use the deployed database saved in C:\ExportData\LuritsData

  • If you are submitting your absentees weekly or monthly select Term to Date.

  • For final termly submissions, select Final Validation.

If an error shows as in the example below, it is usually because the deployed database was not exported with the latest version of SA-SAMS. 

  • Uninstall SA-SAMS

  • Download and install  SA-SAMS INSTALLATION FILE (First-time installation) from the Thutong website.

  • Repeat the deployment steps explained in the SA-SAMS section above and open the newly deployed database in Valistractor.

Valistractor report

  • Valistractor will display a report to indicate the percentage your data received and the individual errors or incomplete data that were found.

Valistractor Errors

  • Critical issues are indicated with an exclamation mark. 

  • Double click the icon to see the list of problems
    In this example, no educator absentees were entered for week 28 January.

  • Errors need to be corrected in d6, exported to SA-SAMS and deployed again to submit in Valistractor once more.

  • If you struggle to find and correct the errors, export the report to Excel and send the Excel report to support@d6plus.co.za

  • Support will investigate the issue and contact you. 

  • If your data is below the required percentage then the Extract Data button will be grayed out and you will not be able to submit your database to the DDD (Data Driven Dashboard). 

  • You will have to correct the outstanding/incorrect data in d6 and repeat the deployment process in SA-SAMS to submit the deployed file in Valistractor once more. 

No Valistractor Errors

  • If you do not have any errors or if your data is rated 85% or more, click Extract Data to submit the database to DDD electronically via the internet.

  • Click “Yes” to submit your data to DDD and save the Sign-off report as a record of your submission.

  • When all this has been done please Stamp and sign the Deployment report from SA-SAMS

  • Print the Sign-off report for record-keeping purposes

 If you are required to send your database on a memory stick or disc please copy the deployed database from C:\ExportData\LuritsData

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