


Families are the way to group learners that share the same parents (brothers and sisters or all learners of a Foster home for example).  The benefit of using families is to avoid the duplication of data and to share information between different system functions.  Parents paying school fees are using a single family code as a reference for all learners.
This function makes it possible to link a learner to a new family or an existing family, and also to change the family’s name.


The name of a family is a mere naming convention for how your school refers to families.  It could be the surname of the learner or the surname of the parent, or a combination.  The default in the system is to use the surname of the parent.  This option can be changed for every single family, so you can customize the family name for each family in your school.

Best practise is to use a combination of the learners surname and the parents surname in cases where it might differ for example:  van der Merwe (Schoeman) - where ‘van der Merwe’ is the Learner’s surname and ‘Schoeman’ is the parent’s surname.

If you want to make changes to a family’s information, you first need to find the family you would like to make changes to. This can be done in different ways, but the two methods you will use the most are as follows.

You can search for a family using the “Search for families” function, by clicking on the drop down box and selecting one of the following: Family Code or Family Name. Choose the option you would like to use and then type in the relevant information in the block on the right hand side of it. Click on the "Search"  button.

The second way is much simpler and it involves typing the relevant search information (family name or family code) directly into the search block. The system will automatically filter out all information matching your search criteria.
The family/s will now appear
Select the family you want to edit by clicking on the radio button on the left hand side of the number.
Click on the "Edit" button.
You can now edit the “Family name”.
When you are finished, save the changes.


  • If a learner registers for the first time at your school, you can follow the following steps (My School > Learners > Learners):
  • Click on the 'add' button. There will now be six steps that you should follow to enroll a learner. You will not be able to proceed to a following step unless you have completed the current step. It is extremely important to complete all the steps thoroughly for future transactions on the system.
  • The screen will appear on Step 1: Family information.
  • If this is the first learner of the family in the school choose the "New Family" option.
  • Click on the 'continue' button to complete step 2 of the 6 step process.

  • Click on the 'add' button. There will now be 6 steps to complete to register a learner. You will not be allowed to navigate to the next step until the current step is completed and all required fields are completed. It is very important to complete the steps in detail for future transactions on the system.
  • You must now select the existing family to which the new learner must be linked.
  • Use the drop down arrows to search for the family code or family name.
  • The screen will appear as follows on step 2 of the 6 step process. For more information about the following steps, click here.
  • Complete the steps and click on the  button to save your information.


  • If a learner already exist in your school and is linked to an existing family and you want to link the learner to a new family (eg. in the case of a foster child, adoption or divorce). You can follow these steps :
  • Search for the learner you want to link to a new family. You can search all learners or you can use " Find a learner" and select one of the following options: Number, Surname, First Name, Family Code, Family, Cellphone number, ID number or full name.
  • You can also make your search more accurate by selecting an option for “Choose a status”: All learners, Current, Duplicate, Left and Registered.
  • You can also type in any details of a learner in the search box to search for a learner. The system will automatically navigate to the specific information.
  • Click on the button on the right hand side of the number of the learner you want to link to a new family to edit the learners information or alternatively click on the “radio button” and click on 'edit' button.
  • Click on the 'continue' button to complete the information for the new family.
  • The screen will now display on step 4 of the 6 step process.
  • When you click on the 'continue' button at step 6, the new information will be saved.
  • The system will automatically navigate back to the Learners function.
                                                                                                  © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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