This function enables the school to calculate, check and edit the learner’s final (year end) results and reasons (promotion mark - pass or retain mark). The calculation for final decisions is calculated according to the Promotion Formula set up as a  template- or subject-specific formula. The system will calculate final decisions for learners, where marks have been captured, and will continuously update the calculation each time new marks are captured.

Handy Excel export documents are available at the bottom of the page, on "Decisions report". If you do not see the button, ask the school's Administrator (superuser) to grant you Excel rights.


  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type.
  • All the learners for the relevant year and grade will be displayed with the calculated results.
  • The Learner’s name is listed under the Learner column.
  • The Concession (if applicable) will be listed under the concession column.
  • The Calculated result will be listed under the calculated decision column.
  • The Moderated result will be listed under the moderated result column.
  • If the Calculated result has NOT been moderated (changed) then the Moderated result column will appear ‘grayed out’.
  • If you hover your cursor over the info tip icon next to a learner’s name, you will see the subjects the specific learner has and what marks the learner received for those subjects.


  • If you would like to moderate (change) the marks and calculated result for a learner, click on the relevant learner to select and then click on the "Moderate the selected learner" button or double click on the specific learner’s row.
  • You are able to moderate a Learner’s marks on the "Marks" tab and a Learner’s Promotion decision on the "Decision" tab.
  • To allocate a special "concession" rule to a learner  - Using the drop down box, select a concession to allocate to the learner, if applicable - alternatively leave the selection as "no concession".
  • To moderate a learner’s marks - double click on the row of the subject for which you would like to make changes. The row will now be open to type.
  • Type in the moderated/adjusted mark.
  • Type in a reason for moderating the learner’s mark.
  • Click on the "Save" button to store the changes.
  • A message will be displayed asking you if you want to save the changes.
  • Click "Ok" to confirm.
  • The Concession that was allocated to the learner (when applicable) will display in the "Concession" column.
  • The Learner’s "Calculated result" will now be highlighted in green to identify that changes were made to the specific learner’s marks.

The Learners Promotion marks have been moderated. The system will recalculate the learner's final decision based on the moderated mark(s) and display the new final decision in the ‘Calculated decision’ column (Cell will be highlighted in Green).

Only when the Calculated decision is moderated (overridden) will the changes display in the ‘Moderated Decision’ column (Cell will be highlighted in Red).


  • To allocate a "concession" to a learner - Using the drop down box, select a concession to allocate to the learner, if applicable - alternatively leave the selection as "no concession".
  • Select the "decision" (verdict) to be displayed from the drop-down list.
  • Type the "reason for overriding the calculated decision" in both English and Afrikaans.
  • Select the person who authorized the moderation of the calculated decision.
  • Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.
  • A message will be displayed asking you if you want to save the changes.
  • Click "Ok" to confirm.
  • The learner’s moderated result will be highlighted in red and will now differ from the system’s calculated result.
Please Note: If the Learner’s calculated result has not been moderated (changed) it will appear "grayed out" in the ‘Moderated result’ column.
  • If you would like to view the details of when the moderated result was last moderated, for what reason it was moderated (changed) and who authorized the changes - hover your cursor over the  icon next to the relevant moderated result.


  • To recalculate the final promotion decisions for all learners, click on the "Recalculate" button.
  • A message will come up asking you if you are sure that you want to recalculate all the calculated results.
  • Click "Ok" to confirm.
Please Note: The learners for which marks have been moderated (highlighted in green) will still remain highlighted after recalculating because the new decision will be based on the "moderated marks".
  • If you hover your cursor over the info tip icon next to a learner’s calculated result, you will see the date on which it was last calculated and a reason for why the specific learner received the allocated decision (RP, NRP or PR).
Please Note: For Promoted (RP) decisions the reason will display blank. For Retained (NRP) decisions it will display which criteria were not met, based on the Decision Guideline 2012 DOE-NPPPPR.

HOW TO PROMOTE ALL LEARNERS (in a specific grade)

  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type.
  • All the learners for the relevant year and grade will be displayed with the calculated results.
  • To promote all the learners in this grade for this specific term, click on the "Promote all" button.
  • A message will be displayed asking you if you are sure that you want to "Overwrite" all moderated decisions with "Promoted"
  • Click "Ok" to confirm.

If you choose to "promote all learners" you will then be moderating the calculated decisions based on the Decision Guideline "2012 DOE-NPPPPR" and will then override all "Not achieved" decisions. If this has erroneously - Please click on the "Use calculated decision for all" button to revert back to the "Calculated decision".
  • The system will still display the "Calculated Decision" in the first column, however the "moderated decisions" will now display in the second column  highlighted in red.


  • If you would like to revert ALL ‘Moderated Decisions’ back to the ‘Calculated Decision’, click on the "Use calculated decision for all" button.
  • A message will be displayed: Are you sure you want to delete all moderated decisions?
  • Click "Ok" to confirm.
  • The "Moderated Decision" column will now appear ‘grayed-out’ and all learners for that specific grade will be promoted or retained based on the "Calculated Decision".


  • This function will allow you to have a detailed view of a learner’s marks.
  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type.
  • All the learners for the relevant year and grade will be displayed.
  • Select a learner by clicking on the relevant learner’s name.
Please Note: The function to ‘Capture Learner Marks’ is only available to users who have been assigned ‘View and Enter’ rights by the System Administrator. If nothing happens when clicking on the learner’s name, you have not been assigned rights to capture learner’s marks.
  • The Year you selected will be displayed.
  • The Name and Grade of the learner you selected will be displayed.
  • The summary of Marks will be for ‘All Terms’.
  • The summary of marks will be for ‘All subjects’.
  • The Learners Subject Marks are summarised per term.
  • To view the various marks per term; that contributed to the final subject mark, select a term.
  • Select the Subject for which you would like to view captured marks.
  • Captured marks will be displayed as per your learning program setup.
  • You will notice that marks can only be entered/adjusted for certain mark types (SBA, PAT, Exam, ANA), in this case it is only for Exam marks due to the fact that Exam type was the only mark type set up in the Term 4 learning program.
  • To add marks, click on the "Plus sign" button - Please note that this function is only available for the level on which marks have been captured.
  1. If your school enters marks on Subject level - you will only be able to add marks on subject level.
  2. If your school enters marks on Component/Task level - you will only be able to add marks on Component/Task level.
  3. If your school enters marks on Assessment level - you will only be able to add marks on Assessment level.
  • A new ‘Mark’ field has been added - Marks can now be entered for the available mark type(s) by entering the 'Raw Mark’ and the mark ‘Out of’ into the applicable cells. The system will calculate the % and the Level for the specific mark automatically and also adjust the relevant marks (eg. Learning Outcome/Task and Subject marks).
  • Click on the "Save changes" button to save the marks.
PLEASE NOTE: The new mark that has been created and for which marks have been captured will also be available under My School | Learners | Marks.
  • Only the mark that was captured for the specific learner will be displayed, however this mark can be used for all learners linked to the subject.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I quickly identify all learners who are at Risk?
  • Click on the following buttons:
  • My School > Curriculum > Final Decisions.
  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type.
All the learners for the relevant year and grade will be displayed with the calculated results:
Sort the ‘Calculated decisions’ column by clicking twice on the column heading "Calculated decision"
All ‘Retained’ decisions will be listed first.

Please Note: Certain learners will not have a ‘Calculated decision’. Use the sort function as indicated above to view them.
A task will appear under the curriculum tasks section under My Home >Tasks should a scenario exist where a calculated decision can not be calculated.

Why can I not see certain grades?

The relevant grades that do not display under ‘Final Decisions’ were allocated ‘No calculation’ under My School > Curriculum > Decision Guidelines - Only Grades that are linked to a ‘2012 DOE NPPPPR guideline’, will be available to view under My School > Curriculum > Final decisions.
The grades that are not available to view will need to be manually promoted at My School > Learners > Promotions.

                                                                                                                                     © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.      
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