Reporting Structures

Reporting Structures

  1. What are reporting structures
  2. How to add  a structure
  3. How to edit a structure
  4. How to manage categories

Reporting structures is a multifunctional button. As a standard, you will locate your budget information here and if you choose to edit it, you will be able to view your different budget categories and see how many accounts you have linked to it.

You can add, edit, or delete current budget categories or link/unlink a general ledger account’s budget category from this screen. Please note that you won’t be able to capture a new budget here, for that you will still refer to Finances > Annual Budgets.

It also allows you to add new structures whereby you can choose which accounts you want to see on this structure. This mostly applies to schools that have a hostel, a preschool or an aftercare for which they would want separate structures for reporting.  For example, when setting up a structure for a hostel, you can choose to link only hostel accounts which could include both Income/Expense accounts and Balance Sheet accounts.

When printing the Reporting Structure report for a specific structure, you would be able to view data in a view resembling an Income Statement.

How to add a structure
When adding a structure you would need to choose which type of accounts you want to link to this structure, i.e. income accounts, expense accounts or balance sheet accounts.

  1. Click on the “add” button
  2. Add the reporting category name in Afrikaans
  3. Add the reporting category name in English
  4. Select "All" to allow the system to check if all accounts are linked. If some accounts are excluded, a task will appear at My Home > My Tasks to indicate which accounts were not linked.
  5. Choose if the structure must be active or inactive
  6. Under Reporting Account type, choose what type of accounts you want to link including balance sheet accounts as well
  7. Click on “Submit”

How to edit a structure

  1. Click on the reporting structure and then on “edit”.
  2. To add account types move selected types from left to right
  3. To remove account types, move the selected types from right to left.
  4. When you have made the necessary changes, click on “Submit”
How to manage categories

Here you will be able to manage the actual general ledger accounts. Should you want, you can set up different categories which could be the same as your actual budget or you can set up different categories. An example of alternative categories would be an Income category, an Expense category, and a Balance Sheet category

  1. Select the structure you want to manage and click on “Manage categories”
  2. Select the reporting category you want to manage.
  3. To add another category, click "Add" or select to edit or delete an existing category.
  4. If you want to add a new category, enter the category name in Afrikaans
  5. Enter the category name in English
  6. Choose which account type you want to link to this category
  7. Select the general ledger accounts you want to link on the left and move them to the right.
  8. To unlink the accounts, then select the accounts on the right and move them to the left.
  9. Click on “Submit”

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