Grade Lists

Grade Lists

Reports > Learners > Grade List
Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article
Use this report to generate a list of all learners per grade. Grade lists can also be generated by tuition language for school’s who make use of more than one tuition language.

It is best practice to ensure that all information for new learners are entered into the system and “left learner’s” status is changed before the grade list is generated.

Generate a Grade List      

  1. Choose whether the report should be generated for all learners, boys only or girls only.
  2. Choose with which tuition language you would like the grade list to generate. 
  3. For single medium schools there is no option to select a tuition language, so it will default to the school's tuition language.
  4. Select the grade on the left-hand side and click on the >> button to allocate them.
  5. Click on the preview button to show the report. The report will be generated as a .pdf document. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this document. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the Grade list be generated in alphabetic order?

Yes, a Grade list will be generated in alphabetic order.

 Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd

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