Historical Contact Information

Historical Contact Information

My School > Communication > Historical Contact Information

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

The history of changes made to contact details of Learners, Parents and Accountable persons can be viewed here.  Both changes made by parents and those made by the school administrators will be visible.

Display all update requests

The page that displays will help you search for a specific learner. Type the learner's name in the block provided.
Click on the learner's name.
You will find 3 tabs at the top: Learner, Parent 1 and Parent 2.
On the Learner tab there are 4 tabs: Full names; Surname; Cell Phone and E-mail address.
The following information will be displayed: the learner's full names.
Update request From Full Name, changed to Full Name, Replaced on date, replaced by whom.
Click on the "Surname" tab to display the updates on the learner's Surname.
Continue this method for "Cell phone" and "E-mail address".

Restore Previous Information

  • Search for the learner by entering the name in the provided block.
    Click on the learner's name.
    Click on the tab of the information you want to change eg. E-mail.
    Select the line you need to restore the previous information for by clicking on the line.
    Click on the "Use" button.
    The system will display a message: '"Are you sure you want to replace the e-mail address?"
    Click on "Ok" to confirm.
    The e-mail address of this learner will now be restored to the previous information.

View / Restore of Parent's Information

The only difference between the learner information and the Parents Information is that the Parents Information displays as follows: Cell phone; E-mail address; Residential Address and Postal Address.

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