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The system automatically provides National Public Holidays. If a National Holiday occurs on a Sunday, the system will automatically move the holiday to a Monday and calculate the correct number of school days. If your school has a need for an extra holiday, such as Ascension, or maybe something like the Annual Cluster Athletics Event, you can add the extra holiday.
The holidays help with the statistical reporting regarding presences/absences for learners and staff. It also prevents that absences are accidentally entered on such a day.
- If you want to create additional holidays: Click on the "Load a Holiday button"
- Holiday type: Choose the "holiday type" by clicking on the down arrow. You can choose between "once off" (for one calendar year only) or "annually".
- Date: The holiday's date must be shown. The date is the day when the holiday is taking place.
- Description of the holiday: Must be entered in both Afrikaans and English.
- If the holiday is on a Sunday, is the Monday a holiday?: Make your relevant selection at the drop down.
- Click on the blue "Add" button to add / save your data.
If you have any Holidays to edit:
- Choose the existing holiday that you want to edit by clicking on the radio button to select the relevant holiday. Then click on the edit button.
- You can now edit the data, remember to make a choice in the drop-downs
- Click on the save button to save your changes.
If you want to remove any holidays:
- Click on the red circular button with the white x to delete relevant holiday or;
- Select the holiday entry by clicking on the radio button and click on the delete button.
- You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete your selection, select between "yes" and "no".
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