Import Assets

Import Assets

Assets can be entered in bulk on an Excel sheet. Upon completion, the data can be imported into the Asset list where it will be displayed per item.

IMPORTANT: If you need to add additional items after an import, clear the Excel sheet before adding new entries. Otherwise duplicate items will be created in the system.

Download the Template

  1. Click the 'Download Asset Import Template'-button.

  2. Open the downloaded Excel document

  3. Click the 'Enable editing' button at the top of the screen.

  4. The first sheet (Instructions) explains the format and values that have to be entered into the columns on the second sheet.

  5. After completing the assets, delete the example line at the top of sheet.

  6. Save the document as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file as follows:
    1. Click on File, then Save As
    2. Under "Save as Type", select "CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)"
                  (Note: be careful not to select "CSV (Macintosh)" or "CSV (MS-DOS)")
    3. If a warning message should display, click 'OK" and 'Yes' to continue.

Import assets into the system

  1. IMPORTANT: If you need to add additional items after an import, clear the Excel sheet before adding new entries. Otherwise duplicate items will be created in the system.

  2. Close the template document before attempting to import the information.

  3. In My School > Assets > Import Assets, start with Step 1 and click the 'Chose File" button to select the saved template.

  4. Keep the indicators as set by default:
    1. Tick for column headings
    2. Field delimiter should be a comma
    3. Enclosure character should be a double apostrophe "

  5. Click 'Next'
If you used the prescribed template to enter the assets, most of the fields will be linked to the corresponding field in the system.
The next screen indicates which of the fields could not be linked.
  1. If any of the rows in the 'Database field' Column is empty, drag the corresponding filed-tag from the right into the relevant row.

  2. After linking all the fields, click the "Import Assets"-button to start the importing process.

  3. A message will indicate the number of assets that will be imported. Note that it totals individual items. E.g. 100 chairs, 3 desks, etc.

  4. The process uses the internet connection, so you have to keep the connection open until it is completed.
If no errors occurred during the import process, click the 'Match Asset Owner Fields'-button to start matching selected fields to the system
This can be done later on the "Match Imported Assets Fields" as well.
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