Learner Attendance

Learner Attendance

Reports > DOE > Learner Attendance Export

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

Generate the  Learner Attendace Export or Confirmed Register class Export 

  • Select the required options (Week, Month, Term and Year) for your report, by clicking on the "drop-down arrows".
  • Make your selection in the "For" field. You can choose between term or month.
  • Make your selection in the "Show term" field. You can choose the relevant term and the year.
  • Make your selection in the "Show total per:" field. You can choose between register class, grade or both.
  • Click on the "Preview" button.
  • The report will be generated as a (.pdf) document which can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have this program loaded on your computer, please download it.
  • You can now print this report by clicking the printer icon at the top hand right corner, select your printer settings and print the document to your printer.
The Learner Attendance Export exports all learners in the school for the options selected and the Confirmed Register  Class Export, export only the classes

You can press  Ctrl +A to higlight everything and Ctrl C to copy and paste in word then save if needed.

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