Learner Opening Balances

Learner Opening Balances

Finances > Debtors > Learner Opening Balances

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This function enables the user to post the learner (debtor) opening balance journals. Note that this is not related to the general ledger opening balance journal (balance sheet opening balance). Take special precaution not to post the general ledger opening balance journal before the learner opening balance journals have been processed. This function is only available while the general ledger opening balance journal has not been posted yet. The learner (debtor) opening balances should not be processed with a regular journal entry (by navigating to Finance: Debtors: Adjustments). There is a special function designed for capturing learner (debtor) opening balances

How to manually capture the learner opening balances.

The learner opening balances should be processed before the general ledger opening balance journal is processed.
  • You can search for learner information by using the search field provided and clicking on the search button.
  • Enter your learner's opening balance debit balances in the debit column and credit balances in the credit column, respectively. Please do not enter a negative sign (-) in the credit column. Use only positive numeral values.
  • As you enter opening balances, they are saved automatically. The balance of the opening balances will reflect on the top right-hand side of the page and this balance must, at the end of the day, match the audited balance sheet debtor balance of your previous financial year.
  • Once you are finished with this process, you can continue to process the general ledger opening balance journal.

How to import the learner's opening balances.

The learner opening balances should be imported before the general ledger opening balance journal is processed.

  • Export the list of Learners to Excel, this can be done by clicking on the "download excel template" option.
  • You can also export it to Google Sheets by clicking on the "open google sheets template" option. If you select to export to Google Sheets, the file will automatically open if you are signed in to your google account and be saved to your Google Drive.
  • Once you have downloaded the template, you can open it and save it onto your computer.
  • The learner opening balances need to be captured under the "balance" column.
  • Learners who had a zero closing balance on the previous system must be entered with a zero opening balance.
  • Learners whose closing balance on the previous system was in a credit must be entered as a negative (- 100.00) opening balance.
  • Learners whose closing balance on the previous system was in a debit must be entered as a positive (100.00) opening balance.
  • Once all of the learners opening balances have been captured, save the changes to the spreadsheet.
  • Click on the "choose file" option.
  • Select the saved file on your computer.
  • Click on the "open" button.
  • Click on the "import file" button. 
  • The balances captured will now be imported into the system. Note that the learner opening balances are still able to be edited on this screen until the journal has been posted.
  • The previous family code can be entered in the "Old Family Code" column. This code will display in brackets behind the family name on the system and on statements.
    •  If there is a family with more than 1 learner, the same family code must be entered for all these learners.
    •  If the learners had different family codes in the old system and the learners are now in one family in d6+, we suggest that the old family code is combined and captured as such on all learners of the new family, for example "KRU001 KRU002".
  • The Opening balances can be exported again at any stage before the journal is posted and reimported should this be necessary.

Once the Learners Opening Balance Journal has been posted, this function will no longer be available to use.
© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd

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