Whereabouts Setup

Whereabouts Setup

My School > General > Whereabouts Setup

Type <ctrl> <f> to search for words in the article.

This function allows you to view the available Whereabout types and reasons, to be used when capturing learner’s Whereabouts entries. Whereabout reasons can be linked to the discipline of a learner, to allow "late comings" to be listed on the discipline report.   The Disciplinary Categories and Conduct must be set up first, under My School > Code of Conduct in order to be able to link the Whereabouts reasons to discipline. 
Note: users with School Administration rights will be able to add/edit whereabouts reasons at My School > General > Whereabouts setup

How to view Whereabout types and reasons:

  • Select a Whereabout Type by clicking on the drop-down box.
  • There are 3 types, namely: Arrived Late, Left Early and Periods not Attended.
  • Each type has a standard set of Whereabouts reasons that can be used for learners.

How to change the order in which the whereabouts reasons display:

  • To change the order in which a certain Whereabouts reason displays, double-click on the Whereabouts reason, a window will open to Edit the whereabout reason. 
  • To change the order, enter the number that corresponds with the order in which you would like the particular Whereabouts reason to display.
  • Click on the Submit button to store your changes.
  • It is important to take note of the current display order of the Whereabouts reasons in order to change the order. 

If you change all of the orders values to 0 (zero) the Whereabouts reasons will display in alphabetical order.

  • To link a particular Whereabouts reason to discipline, double-click on the Whereabouts reason, a window will open to Edit the whereabouts.
  • The Disciplinary Categories and Conduct must be set up first, under My School >Code of Conduct for this function to work. 
  • To link the Whereabouts reason to discipline, tick the box under "Link to Discipline?" More fields will open, select the Disciplinary Category type that the Whereabout reason should be linked to.
  • Select the applicable conduct that the Whereabouts reason should be linked to.
  • Once you have completed all of the fields, click on the "Submit" button to store the changes.
  • Now the Whereabouts reason is linked to the learner's discipline, should this Whereabout reason be used for a learner, the system will automatically update the points allocated to the learner as set up at  My School > Code of Conduct >Conduct.
  • Actions will automatically be generated as per the Action Setup at My School > Code of Conduct > Action Setup.
  • Actions can include letters for detention, interview with parents or SMS’s being sent to parents. 
  • The Code of Conduct Action Processing function is task driven. 
  • The task driven messages with regards to Action Processing will only appear once a certain number of violations have been reached for a specific learner as set up in the Action Setup module. 
  • Tasks will be created for the Disciplinary Head to review and release as set up under My Home > Tasks > Code of Conduct Tasks. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I edit an existing Whereabout type?

System users are only able to edit the order in which reasons are displayed and the Discipline information.
In the event that you would like to edit the Whereabout types or reasons, please send an email to create a case.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.
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