Learning Outcomes/Tasks

Learning Outcomes/Tasks

My School > Curriculum > Learning Outcomes/Tasks

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

All of the CAPS curriculum’s learning outcomes/tasks have been pre-loaded into the system.  If you are a public school in South Africa, your basic subjects and learning outcomes/tasks will already be available in the system (except for new subjects/requirements from the DOE). This function enables the user to add or edit learning outcomes/tasks for a specific subject.

Select to view the list according to their status.  One or all of these can be displayed: Active, Inactive and/or deleted.

Click on My School > Curriculum > Learning Outcome/Tasks

  • Select the Curriculum to be displayed.
  • Select the tasks that should be displayed. If a Preset curriculum is used, select one of the available CAPS curricula.
  • Select the Grade to be displayed.
  • Select the Subject to be displayed.
The learning outcomes for the selected items will now be displayed.
The Usage column will display the year and term(s) in which the task is used. This will help to identify tasks that are used in multiple terms.


Click on the  "Add new" button (just above the datagrid) to add a new learning outcome.  Please note that the items used in the filter (Curriculum, Grade and Subject) will be auto populated in the screen at the bottom:
  • Choose the Curriculum.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Select the Subject.
  • Enter the name of the learning outcome/task (in both applicable system languages).
  • Enter the code for the learning outcome/task (in both applicable system languages).
  • Select whether the learning outcome/task that is created is an official DOE learning outcome/task.
  • Enter the ordering in which it will appear on the report card.
  • Click on the "Submit"  button to save the new learning outcome/task to the database.


You can edit a learning outcome/task by clicking on the applicable learning outcome/task (this will open the blocks of the data-grid) and changing the fields as required:
Click on "Accept Changes" to save the changes to the database. Your new/altered learning outcome/task will now be available in your curriculum and you will be able to use the item in the Setup Learning Program function.

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