Setting up the curriculum for a whole year is a big task. In d6+, there are two approaches to this. For schools who follow or base their curriculum on CAPS, presets are provided after the DBE releases the SA-SAMS curriculum for a year. This allows a school to quickly get started by loading the necessary tasks, assessments and weights as provided by the DBE.

Schools following other curriculums need to set up their own tasks and assessments the first year, but in their second year, can copy their curriculums from year to year to save time.

Whichever approach you follow, you will also need to copy learner subject choices and subject group allocations from term to term before making adjustments such as learners changing subjects or switching between groups. The following steps explain how to use the Copy Learning Programme screen in d6+.


Schools that do not make use of the Preset Curriculum

Create Learning programs into which the learning programs can be copied.

My school > Curriculum > Learning programs.  (Repeat for each grade)
  1. Add new.
  2. Move the required term to the right.
  3. Indicate the Grade and Scale Set to be created.
  4. At Curriculum Preset, select "No Preset".
  5. The rest of the fields will be populated automatically.
  6. Click on Submit.
My School > Curriculum > Copy Learning Programs
  1. Choose the Year in which you want to copy terms.
  2. Choose which grades learning program setup to copy.
  3. Choose the Term that needs to be used as a source for the Learning Program.
  4. Select the options to copy. Refer to the table below for more information to determine what you want to copy.
  5. Select a target term you want the learning program to be copied to.

Copy Subjects
Copy the subjects with weights in Step 1 and 2 from the source term to Step 1 and 2 of the new term.
Copy learning outcomes / tasks /components (assessments)
Copy the tasks, and weights in Steps 3 and 4 from the source term to Steps 3 and 4 of the new term.
Copy Subject heads
The subject head indicated at My School > Curriculum > Subject groups will be copied from the source term to the new term  if the school uses the Preset Curriculum.  For schools setting up their own learning programs, the subject heads will not be copied and will have to be indicated again.
Copy learner subject choices
The subjects allocated to learners at My School > Curriculum > Subject choices will be copied from the source term to the learners in the new term.  E.g. If a learner has Mathematics in the source term, he will have mathematics in the new term as well.
Copy subject groups
The subject group names per subject as setup at My School > Curriculum > Subject groups will be copied from the source term to the new term. Note that the learners in each group will not be copied. Learners will have to be re-allocated at My School > Curriculum > Subject Group Allocation. Or select the "Copy class grouping" option at the bottom of the list.
Copy marks capturing rights for subject groups
The Marks capturing rights allocated to teachers at My School > Curriculum > Capturing Rights will be copied from the source term to the new term. E.g. If a teacher had rights for Mathematics Gr 10 Term 2, they will also have rights for Mathematics Gr 10 Term 3
Copy class grouping
The learners in the subject groups for the source term will be allocated to the subject group in the new term.

Schools that make use of the PRESET curriculum:

Create Learning programs into which the learning programs can be copied.

My school > Curriculum > Learning programs.  ( Repeat for each grade)
  1. Add new
  2. Move the required term to the right
  3. Indicate the Grade and Curriculum to be created
  4. Select the relevant "CAPS yyyy" that has to be installed as the Preset Curriculum.
  5. The rest of the fields will be populated automatically
  6. Click on Submit
My School > Curriculum > Copy Learning Programs
  1. Choose the Year in which you want to copy terms.
  2. Choose which grades learning program setup to copy.
  3. Choose the Term that needs to be used as a source for the Learning Program.
  4. Tick all the options on the right-hand side. (Subject heads, Subject choices and Subject groups)
  5. Select a target term you want the learning program to be copied to.
  6. Copy
Note: Once you have copied to a selected term or year, that period will not be available to copy again. If you already started setting up a learning program for the next term, the term will also not be available to copy to.


When the database roll over to the following year, the Learning programs of all 4 terms can be copied to the next year.

Schools that do not make use of the Preset Curriculum

My School > Curriculum > Copy Learning Programs
  1. In the green section, choose the year and grade from which you would like to copy.
  2. In the red section, choose the year to which you would like to copy. If no year displays, you need to create the Learning programs first, as explained above.
  3. Select the options to copy. Refer to the table below for more information to determine what you want to copy.
  4. Once you are confident all the settings are correct, you can click on "Copy" to copy the setups to all 4 terms in the new year.

Copy Subjects
Copy the subjects, weights and subject heads in Step 1 and 2 for all terms from the source year to Step 1 and 2 of all terms of the next year.
Copy learning outcomes / tasks /components (assessments)
Copy the tasks, mark-out-of and weights in Steps 3 and 4 for all terms from the source year to Steps 3 and 4 for all terms of the new year.
Copy Assessments
Copy the assessments, mark-out-of and weights in Steps 5 and 6 for all terms from the source year to Steps 5 and 6 for all terms of the new year.
Copy formulas
Copy the template and subject-specific formulas in My School > Curriculum > Year-end Formulae to the next year.
Copy subject groups
The subject group names per subject as setup at My School > Curriculum > Subject groups will be copied for all terms from the source year to the new year. Note that the learners in each group will not be copied. Learners will have to be allocated at My School > Curriculum > Subject Group Allocation.
Copy marks capturing rights for subject groups
The Marks capturing rights allocated to teachers at My School > Curriculum > Capturing Rights will be copied from the source year to the new year. E.g. If a teacher had rights for Mathematics Gr 10 Term 2 in the source year, they will still have rights for Mathematics Gr 10 Term 2 in the next year. If teachers are linked to new subjects, capturing rights will have to be allocated for the new subject groups in the relevant terms.
Copy learner subject choices
The subjects allocated to learners in Term 4 at My School > Curriculum > Subject choices will be copied from the source year to the learners in the new grade.  E.g. If a learner had Gr 10 Mathematics in term 4 of the source year, he will have Gr 11 Mathematics in the new year for all terms.  Subjects are copied if they have the same parent subject for both grades. Verify at My School > Curriculum > Subjects.
  Decision Methods and Decision Guidelines 
Copy the decision methods and guidelines in My School > Curriculum from the source year to the new year.

Schools that make use of the PRESET curriculum:

The Copy Learning Programs SHOULD NOT BE DONE. Wait for the new Preset Curriculum to be released. 

However, if you are setting up your Timetable for next year, you have to copy the Learning Program to be able to select subjects on Step 1 for Term 1 next year.
When the new Presets are released, contact Support to assist you to correct the Learning Program.

When the new Preset Curriculum is released, create learning programs in the new year,

My school > Curriculum > Learning programs.  (Repeat for each grade)
  1. Add new
  2. Move the required term to the right
  3. Indicate the Grade and Curriculum to be created
  4. Select the relevant  "CAPS yyyy" that has to be installed as the Preset Curriculum.
  5. The rest of the fields will be populated automatically
  6. Submit
My School > Curriculum > Learning Program Setup
  1. Select the subjects that will be offered by your school on Step 1.
  2. Steps 2 to 6 will be completed automatically according to the SA-SAMS requirements according to the CAPS curriculum selected in Step 4 above.
  3. Repeat for each grade.

You are welcome to contact Support at if you need assistance during the process.

                                                                                                                               © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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