Marks Statistics

Marks Statistics

The marks statistics report is generated to display statistics on marks per subject, per grade and for individual assessment types, for example: SBA, PAT or EXAM.

Please note: Where SNE / LSEN different streams are involved, grade averages will be displayed separately. 

How to generate the marks statistics report

  1. Choose the year.
  2. Choose 'For marks': option between percentage or scale mark.

Note: Where different assessment types were indicated at Step 2 of Setup Learning Programme, those subjects will have statistics under the individual assessment types on the report.

  1. Choose 'Show': option between summary or detail.

Note: When choosing detail option - top 10 achievers and missing marks can be indicated if selected.

  1. Choose the relevant term.
  1. Move the relevant grade to the right hand side.
  1. Click on "Generate Report".

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