This function enables the allocation of mark capturing rights.  It can be managed for each individual staff member or for specific subjects and subject groups.

What can I learn from this document?

>  Who will be able to set up the Marks Capturing Rights?
>  How to set up Marks Capturing Rights
>  How to allocate Subject heads
>  How to allocate Subject Group teachers
>  How to allocate additional Subject Groups to teachers
> Frequently Asked Questions

Who will be able to set up the Marks Capturing Rights?

These user rights are set up for each individual teacher by the Superuser
(My School > Staff > Staff).
Any staff member with “View and Change” rights at 2.1. Curriculum setup (Assessments & Learning programs) will be able to allocate rights to allow other teachers to enter marks per subject.

After allocating the user rights to specific staff members, each user should log in as themselves and do the following:
Go to My School > Curriculum > Capturing Rights


Teachers will need user right 2.2 Learner Marks [View and Change] to be able to apply the following options:
Subject heads can capture marks:
  • Subject heads automatically have access to all marks for the allocated subject.
  • This option is selected by default and can not be changed.

Teachers that teach the subject can capture marks:
  • Only teachers that are linked to a specific subject group, can capture marks (My School > Curriculum > Subject Groups). 
  • This option is selected by default and can not be changed.

Show subjects for which a user does not have capturing rights:
  • If you deselect this tick box the users will only see subjects and enter marks they have capturing rights for.
  • Should you tick this box, staff will be able to view all other subjects and marks that they don’t have capturing rights for, but will not be able to capture/change anything.

Per Staff Member-tab

This option is used to set up and manage marks capturing rights per staff member.
  • Select a staff member, year, Grade, Learning Program (Term) and Subject.
  • The subject information displays in a dual list box. 
  • The left list box shows available subject groups to select from. (The staff member will have to be linked to the subjects at My School > Staff > Subjects. These subjects will show in the left-hand side block)
  • The right list box shows subjects the teacher is already allocated. 
  • Teachers who are linked at the "Learning program" on step 2 as a "subject head" to a subject, will automatically see the subject in their right-hand side block and it will appear in pink. 
  • Should the selected teacher need access to additional subject groups, move the groups over from the left box and Save.
  • These additional subject groups will show in black.

Per Subject-tab

This screen is used to see which staff members have marks capturing rights per Subject/Subject group.
  • Select per Year, Grade, Learning Program and Subject.
  • All the staff members that display in the table have Capturing Rights for the selected subject groups.
  • The information will display the Staff member name, role and Subject group. 
  • When the role name displays in blue: the staff member is the "Teacher of the subject group".
  • When the role name displays in pink: the staff member is set up as the "Subject Head for that Subject".
  • Staff members who are marked as administrators or moderators under the Communication Module at "Manage Communication rights" will show in pink as well. Subjects can be removed from these staff members on the "Per staff member tab" but the staff member will still be able to enter homework. 
  • When the line displays in black: the staff member has been "allocated manually" to Marks Capturing Rights on the Per staff Member tab.
  • Double click on the staff member name or the role to open a screen where you can view and manage staff members that has access to capturing rights for the specific Subject Group. 
  • When you click on the subject group link it will open the normal subject group screen where various items can be managed.

Please Note:   It might seem that a staff member name is duplicated, but it is either different Subject Groups or the same staff member is the Subject Group Teacher and the Subject Head.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to allow all staff to VIEW all marks?

Tick the last selection box on the Options-tab.

How do I allow teachers to view and change marks of subjects when they are not the Subject head or Subject group teacher of the subject?

For example: The HOD would like to see and change any subject in the phase, although she is not teaching the subject.
Add additional subject groups to the teacher on the “Per Staff Member”-tab.
These will appear in black.

How to allocate Subject heads per subject

Allocate a subject head for each subject  in the new column on Step 2 of the Learning Programme:
My School > Curriculum > Setup Learning programme / Step 2

How to allocate a teacher to Subject Groups

Indicate teachers per subject group at:  My School > Curriculum > Subject Groups

How to add additional Teachers to capture marks to existing Subject Groups

MY SCHOOL > Curriculum > Subject Groups
Select the number-link "in the last column" of the subject group: Marks Capturers
Add additional teachers to the specific subject group on the next screen that opens.
Names on the right in pink are Subject Group teachers
Names on the right in black were added to allow marks capturing

Can rights be allocated to different teachers of components of a subject?

For example: History and Geography in Social Sciences are taught by two different teachers.

It is not possible to allocate individual rights to components of a subject.

(e.g. SS-History and SS-Geography)
Allocate one of the teachers to Social Science. (e.g. the SS-Hist teacher)
Click on the “Marks Capturers”-link to add the SS-Geo teacher as marks capturer.

Why does the Staff Member not appear in the list of names to choose from when allocating staff members?

The staff member does not have the appropriate curriculum rights.
Ask the Superuser to allocate rights.

How to grant access to the Principal or Academic head to all marks:

E.g. The Principal wants to edit or delete a mark for any pupil in the school.
MY SCHOOL > Curriculum > Capturing Rights > Tab 2 (Per Staff Member)
Select the Principal from the Staff member list.
Select all subjects on the left, click on "Select all" under the left-hand side block, and move them over to the right.
Click on Submit.

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