Calculated mark sheet
Generate a report with all marks captured per subject group.
Task and Assessment weights are displayed according to the setup in My School > Curriculum >Setup Learning Program.
Select the content to be generated.
Detailed mark sheet
Displays the mark calculation per subject according to the weights at My School > Setup Learning Program.
Select the term, grade and class(es) to generate.
Generate a report per learner per subject.
This can also be used to explain to a parent who doesn’t agree with the marks calculation and/or final marks
Subjects mark sheet
Generate a report where you can view all final calculated subject marks per learner.
Working Marks Sheet
Export a mark sheet to Excel to be copied into the official DOE marks sheet.
- Select the year, grade and subject to display the Term marks.
Learners can be displayed per subject group, register class or all learners.
- Choose to generate for current learners with the subject or to include left learners
- Choose to show task averages at the top of the report
Choose to show the symbol spread at the top of the report.