My Projects

My Projects

My Home > My Projects

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Here each project manager can get a quick overview of their project in terms of the balance of the project and which learners has paid, granted that they have linked learners to their projects.

  1. Choose the status of the project/s that you want to view by clicking on the drop-down box and then choosing either "active" or "closed".
  2. All projects that the user is linked to will now appear with the following information:
  1. The project number.
  2. The project manager's name and surname.
  3. The project's start date.
  4. The project's end date.
  5. The amount of the project, if there was a specific amount allocated to the project.
  6. The balance of the project will indicate how much money has been received thus far. If you click on the hyperlink of the balance, it will generate a .pdf report that will list all the transactions that has transpired on the project so far. 
  7. If you linked learners to the project, you will be able to click on the hyperlink that say "who has paid" to generate a report of which learners has paid. Note that this function is available whether you linked the learners either by "per learner" or "per register class" or 'per grade"

There is a "search" block where you can search for a project by either entering the name of the project in there or the project manager etc.

You can export the information to excel but note that none of the hyperlinks will be funcatio
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