Composite Recording Sheet

Composite Recording Sheet

The composite recording sheet is used to view a breakdown of assessment types per term, per subject (SBA, Exam, PAT, ANA). The Mark Types (Promotion, Merit and Year Mark) can also be verified with this report if set-up under the year end formulas (My School | Curriculum | Year End Formulae).

This report can also be utilized as a mark distribution report on the Mark types.


Click on Reports > DOE > Composite Recording Sheet
  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Grade.
  • Choose to show mark detail.
  • Choose to show average.
  • Choose to show scale summary.
  • Select the Subjects and click on the "right arrow" button to allocate or on the "left arrow" button to un-allocate them.
  • Select the Terms and click on the "right arrow" button to allocate or on the "left arrow" button to un-allocate them.
  • Select the Assessment Types and click on the "right arrow" button to allocate or on the "left arrow" button to un-allocate them.
  • Select the Mark Formula Types and click on the "right arrow" button to allocate or on the "left arrow" button to un-allocate them.
  • Click on the "Generate Report" button to generate the report.
  • The report will be generated.

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