Online Re-registrations / Data Verification
The Online Re-registration/data verification platform has been created to assist schools, and parents in making sure the learner, and parent details are correct, and also to enable parents to indicate if their learners will be returning to the school the following year, ensuring placement at the school. The school would need to create an online platform for either a re-registration or to verify current data and send it to the parents. The parent can make the necessary changes and return the form to the school to accept it. This process would minimise the immense amount of admin time that hard copy re-registrations could take to print, send to parents, get back and then to make the changes indicated.

If a school has already processed the re-registration step on the admin year-end, the online re-registration will not be necessary. We would rather suggest a campaign for the new year, as a data verification.
- This is where you will indicate the type of campaign that you will send out to parents, re-registrations, or data verification. In essence, it would be the target group that you want to communicate with.
- The school can create one campaign for online re-registrations, and another one for online data verification. You can also create a campaign per register class, or even grade.
- Creating a campaign per grade, or even register class, simplifies the process, as you would then send it out to a specific group of parents, and receive the responses back only from these parents, making it a a more confined environment. Enabling you to process the online re-registrations/data verifications easier.
- Click on 'Add campaign'
- Indicate the name of the Campaign.
- Indicate the type of campaign. To do so, select the drop-down and select Re-registration or Data verification.
- Select the type of message that you want to send by clicking on the drop-down and selecting, SMS, email or both. Keep in mind that your school will be billed per SMS sent. (R0.29 per 160 characters)
- Once you complete the Campaign details, you will then be able to start with the message template, setup, audience, reactions and submissions. I will break each one down, and elaborate on the function of it.
Message template-tab:
The message tab needs to be set up in English and Afrikaans. This is the email and/or SMS that will be sent to the parents, concerning the Online Re-registration/Data verification.
You would need to enter your 'Message subject' in English, and Afrikaans. This would be the subject of the email and/or SMS the parent receives. It would be beneficial to indicate that it is the Online Re-registration for next year , or Online Data Verification.
After this, you will then set up your email and/or SMS body.
In the body of the email, you would type a message to the parents indicating that they need to complete the online re-registration/data verification. Make use of the buttons on the right to insert a tag field to personalise a message for the parent.
Please refer to the screenshot of an English sample message where I used the tag fields. It is very important to remember to enter a space between consecutive tag fields.

Very Important: When creating the body of the message, you would need to include the LINK for the parents to click on to be able to access the online platform. This is found under OTHER, and you can click on the word 'Link". It would then insert the link in the body of the message for the parent to click on.
The school would use their discretion here to indicate what the school requires to be updated/checked, and what parents would be able to amend. To indicate a required field, you would need to tick the relevant options.
Please remember, if you do include/tick the 'Contract with school, 'Parent declaration', 'Permission & content' and 'Indemnity', the parent will be able to view this data, but unfortunately will not be able to sign the online document. Therefore the school would need to send the 'Parent declaration', 'Permission & content' and 'Indemnity' to the parent electronically to print, sign and return or send a hard copy to the parent at xxx
Indicate if the OTP to verify the parent should be sent to the parent via sms, email or both. To receive the email the parent's email address has to be available in d6 and the mobile number if SMS is selected.
Note: SMS delivery will be billed to the school.
- Select the classes for which the Online Re-registration/Data verification requests will be sent.
- Currently, the only function is per register class, which cannot be done per learner.
- Therefore, as mentioned previously, on the campaign level, you can create campaigns per register class/grade. Then it simplifies the process, as you would then send it out as such, and receive the responses in a more confined environment.
- When you get to the Audience, this is where you would click on submit for the first time.
- All the current campaigns will be displayed.
- To continue, select and edit your newly created campaign.
- On the reaction tab, you will be able to see who you sent your campaign to. It will reflect the Learner name, Class and Parent name.
- Under the date/time sent, it will first reflect as "Not sent" which simply means we have not published the campaign.
- Submit: Save the campaign setting without Publishing
- Publish: Send the email/sms to the selected parents. After publishing the campaign can NOT be edited any more.
- Send draft email to yourself: Send a draft email to yourself before publishing, to view the message setup. Especially making sure that you included the link.
- Send draft SMS to myself: Send a draft SMS to yourself before publishing, to view the message setup. Especially making sure that you included the link.
- Kindly note the email/SMS will be sent to the email address and/or mobile number of the staff member creating the campaign. You need to have a valid email address and cell phone number on your staff profile on d6+. Otherwise, the draft email/SMS can not be sent.

Example of draft email sent to the staff member

- The SMS draft would then be sent to your mobile number and would reflect as such

Kindly note: Clicking on "Submit" means you are saving the setup, and clicking on "Publish campaign" means you are going to submit the campaign to the parents. When you "Publish campaign", the school cannot make any amendments on the campaign.
- Once you are satisfied with how the draft email/SMS reflects, you can click on "Publish campaign".
- The system will ask you if you are sure, and you can simply click on 'OK'.

- After you have published the campaign, dates, and the time will reflect when you published the campaign and when the parent's email and/or SMS were sent for the online re-registration/data verification that you created for the parents to complete.
- Take note: Each learner has a unique link, so the parent will receive separate forms for each learner. They cannot use the same link for two siblings.
Here is an example of the email the parents will receive:
Here is an example of the SMS the parents will receive:

The language of correspondence via email/SMS is based on the Preferred correspondence language selected under Parent 1, and Parent 2 profile on d6+.
- If no date/time is reflected, it means the campaign was not sent to that specific parent.
- If needed, update the parent's email address, as well as their mobile number at My School > Parents > Parents
- Re-send the campaign to the parents who did not receive it as in the example below.

Campaigns should ONLY be closed after the school has received all submissions from all relevant parents.
Submissions will only show once the campaign has been published and parents have started submitting re-registration / data verification forms. This is where the school would then approve/disapprove the changes/amendments made by the parents.
- The Campaign list will indicate the percentage of submissions received.
- The school has the option to select the values that should be replaced with the updated value, or to keep the existing value currently in d6.
- Select the campaign to process and click "Edit Campaign"
- On the Submissions-tab, select the submission to process and click "View/Edit Submission"
- The Field name, Current value in d6+ and the Submitted value will display.
- By default, the current d6 value will be selected. If you would like to replace the current d6 value with the value submitted by the parent, select the dot next to the submitted value.
- When all the fields have been processed, click "Submit" to update the fields in your d6+ system.

Please take note: Re-registrations can not be signed online. When you finalise a re-registration, you will be able to view and print/save and provide it to the parents, to sign and return to the school, if needed.
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