Other Debtors

Other Debtors

Finances > Other Debtors

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The Other Debtor function enables Schools to not only bill School Learners but now Other Types of Debtors as well. Invoices, as well as credit notes, can be loaded against other debtors. Schools can now also send out statements and invoices to both school debtors and other debtors. There are also other functions like projects, debit orders, and debtor notes available for other debtors. Also, note that the are various reports available for other debtors under our Report function. 

How to create an other debtor account

  1. Go to Finances > General Ledger > Accounts > Click On The Plus > Create An Accounts Receivable Account
  2. When the account is created, go to Finances > Debtors > Accounts > Click On The Plus
  3. Choose "other debtors" 
  1. Complete the necessary details which are as follows
  2. Account information
  3. Type: Select Other Debtors
  4. Other Debtor information
  5. Other Debtor: Indicate whether it's a new other debtor, existing or a pre-approved other debtors
  6. Accountable person identity
  7. Accountable person: Indicate whether it's an institution or person on the drop down
  8. Institution type: Select the type of institution 
  9. Trading name: Complete the name
  10. Registered name: Type in the name
  11. Registration number: Type in the number
  12. Registered for VAT: Indicate Yes if they are registered for VAT
  13. Contact detail for an accountable person: Contact numbers for the person responsible for the accounts
  14. Telephone number: Insert the contact number as well as the fax number
  15. E-mail address: The email address of the responsible party.
  16. Website: Institution web page details
  17. Physical address: Type in the post and physical address
  18. Contact persons for an accountable person:
  19. Name
  20. Surname
  21. Telephone number
  22. Cell phone number
  23. E-mail address
  24. Role of contact person
  25. Other accountable person information
  26. Tax Clearance Certificate? If yes, select the year it was obtained
  27. BEE rating: Select the BEE rating of the institution
  28. Preferred suppliers rating: Select the rating
  29. Banking details of accountable person: Capture the bank details 
  30. Debtor account
  31. Ledger control account: Select the control account for the transactions. This should be created in the General Ledger accounts & it should be an Accounts Receivable Account
  32. Account number: defaults to the Other Debtors numbers, cannot be changed
  33. Reference/Account number at other debtor:
  34. Account active from Insert the date  the account will be active
  35. Click on the "add" button

How to edit an other debtor

  1. Select the other debtor and then click on edit. Complete all the necessary changes and then save.

How to create an invoice for an other debtor

  1. Click on the  "create an invoice " button.
  2. The debtor type will always be other debtors.
  3. Select the other debtor for which you would like to create an invoice.
  4. Click on the " Continue " button.
  5. Select the date.
  6. The invoice number is automatically filled in by the system
  7. Select the payment terms for the invoice. Note that the aging of the invoice will be according to the payment term chosen here. 
  8. Indicate whether or not the debtor wants to have this invoice paid via debit order, this will only be applicable if you use the d6 debit order function.
  9. It will automatically default to "no" when it comes to indicating whether or not this is a tax invoice.
  10. Enter the invoice Total Amount.
  11. Enter a description for the invoice
  12. Type in a new item or alternatively select an existing item from the drop-down box.
  13. Enter the quantity of the item.
  14. Enter the unit price of the item.
  15. Select the Account/Project to which this invoice line should be allocated to.
  16. To add an additional item to the invoice, click on the " Add line" button.
  17. To remove an item line from the invoice, select the item line by ticking the checkbox next to the relevant line number and then on the "delete lines" button.
  18. The invoice total amount must match the sum of the total amount of the Item lines before you can Save it.
  19. The balance not allocated will display. The balance not allocated must be 0.00.
  20. Click on the " Save as a draft or save"  button once you are done. 

How to edit an invoice

  1. To search for an invoice, type in any relevant data such as Invoice number, other debtor account number, amount in the search block
  2. All invoices matching the criteria will be displayed:
  3. Click on the "radio button"  next to the selected invoice you would like to edit
  4. Then click on the " edit " button
  5. Edit the information that you would like to change or add
  6. Click on "Save"

How to copy an invoice

  1. To search for an invoice, type in any relevant data such as Invoice number, creditor number, amount in the search block
  2. All invoices matching the criteria will be displayed
  3. To copy an invoice, click on the "radio button"  next to the selected invoice you would like to edit
  4. Then click on the  " Copy " button.
  5. The screen will display a message that  " Are you sure you want to make a copy of this invoice? "  then  select " Yes."
  6. The system will create a copy of the invoice as a draft that can now be edited.

How to delete an invoice

  1. To search for an invoice, type in any relevant data such as Invoice number, creditor number, amount in the search block, alternatively
  2. All invoices matching the criteria will be displayed
  3. To delete an invoice, click on the "radio button"  next to the selected invoice you would like to delete.
  4. Then click on the  " Delete "button; or alternatively, click on the red button with an x 
  5. The screen will display a message that say " Are you sure you want to delete this invoice? ", select  " Yes "
  6. Invoices that have been Saved cannot be deleted

How to create a credit note

  1. Click on the Add button.
  2. The debtor type will always be other debtor
  3. Select the Other Debtor for which you would like to create a credit note.
  4. Click on the  Continue button.
  5. Select the date.  
  6. The credit note number will automatically be allocated by the system.
  7. Select as to whether or not the credit note amount must be deducted from the debit order amount, if the other debtor makes payment via debit orders. Note that this function is only applicable if the school uses the d6 debit order function nad also noted that the debit order amount will only decrease with this credit note amount if the debit orders have not yet been submitted.
  8. Enter the credit note Total Amount .
  9. Enter a description for the credit note .
  10. Type in a new item or alternatively select an existing item from the drop down box.
  11. Enter the quantity of the item . 
  12. Enter the unit price of the item .
  13. The system will default each line based on the selection made at, however, this can be overwritten when necessary.
  14. Select the Account/Project to which this credit note line should be allocated.
  15. To add an additional item to the credit note, click on the  Add line button.
  16. To remove an item line from the credit note, select the item line by ticking the box next to the relevant line number and then on the Delete line button.
  17. The credit note total amount must match the sum of total amount of the Item lines before you can ‘Save' the credit note. The balance not allocated will displayed at the bottom. The balance not allocated must be 0.00
  18. Click on the Save and send button once you are done. 
  19. If you would like to complete the credit note at a later stage, click on the Save as draft  button. 
  20. The credit note total amount does not need to match the sum of total amount of the Item lines in order to save the credit note as a draft.
  21. The system will navigate back to the Invoices screen

How to edit a credit note

  1. Click on the radio button  next to the selected credit note you would like to edit
  2. Then click on the  edit icon button
  3. Alternatively, click on the  Edit button to navigate directly to the Invoice information screen. 
  4. Select another other account or continue with the current selection by clicking on the Continue button. 
  5. Edit the applicable fields as required and click on Save and send once you are done. Alternatively, you can click on Save as draft button if you would like to complete the credit note at a later stage.

How to copy a credit note

  1. Click on the "radio button"  next to the selected credit note you would like to edit
  2. Then click on the Copy button. 
  3. The system will create a copy of the credit note as a draft that can now be edited. 

How to delete a credit note

  1. Click on the radio button next to the selected credit note you would like to delete
  2. Then click on the X icon on the left or alternatively click on the Delete button.

How to print a statement for an other debtor

  1. Under "statement information" where it states " statement for", choose "other debtors"
  2. Under "print options" where it states "print project detail", you can indicate if you want the project to reflect on the other debtor's statement. This will only be applicable if the other debtor is linked to a project
  3. If there's a debtor payment arrangement or text note create for other debtors, then you can choose "yes" where it states "print debtor notes"

How to load a debit order for an other debtor

  1. When creating your other debtor account, you need to fill in banking details
  2. When capturing invoices for your other debtors, ensure that you indicate that the invoice is payable via debit order
  3. The other debtor debit orders will appear alongside of your school debtors when you submit to Stratcol/Netcash

How to capture debtor notes for other debtors

Internal notes are as the name suggests, internal. It is a way for the school to keep a record of any and all conversations with debtors. You do have the option to print this on the debtor's and other debtors statements but it's not suggested. 
  1. Click on "create a note".
  2. Choose Other Debtors
  3. Select the debtor account
  4. Click on "continue"
  5. Enter the date that you want to create the note. 
  6. The accountable person will default to the accountable person that is linked to the chosen family or then the person responsible for the other debtor account.
  7. Choose "internal note" by type of note.
  8. Enter your note/conversation in the Note body. 
  9. Once you have recorded the necessary information and you would like to save the note, you can click on the "continue" button.
A text note works on the same concept as the internal note with the exception that it usually does get printed on the debtor's statement. 
  1. Click on "create a note".
  2. Choose Other Debtors
  3. Choose the debtor account
  4. Click on "continue"
  5. Enter the date that you want to create the note. 
  6. The accountable person will default to the accountable person that is linked to the chosen family or the person responsible for the other debtor account
  7. Choose "text note" by type of note.
  8. At the communication medium option, you can choose the method of how you communicated with the accountable person in the first instance.
  9. Enter your note/conversation in the Note body. 
  10. Once you have recorded the necessary information and you would like to save the note, you can click on the "Continue" button.
A promise to pay arrangement is when the debtor promise to pay certain amounts on certain dates. The system will keep a record of this and also remind the school to follow up on these arrangements. You will also be able to have this printed on the debtor's statement.
  1. Click on "create a note".
  2. Choose Other Debtors
  3. Choose the debtor account
  4. Click on "continue"
  5. Enter the date that you want to create the note. 
  6. The accountable person will default to the accountable person that is linked to the chosen family or the person responsible for the other debtor account.
  7. Choose "promise to pay" by type of note.
  8. At the communication medium option, you can choose the method of how you communicated with the accountable person in the first instance.
  9. Enter your note/conversation in the Note body. 
  10. Under the "promise to pay information" tab, fill in the dates as well as the promised amounts in.
  11. Once you have recorded the necessary information and you would like to save the note, you can click on the "continue" button.
Once a note has been created, it can't be deleted. You can change the details of the family but you can't delete the actual note. 

  1. Click on the Add button.
  2. Project number: The system will automatically allocate the next project number.
  3. Project name: Enter the name of your project
  4. Project manager: The name of the responsible person can be selected from the drop-down box.
  5. Project control account: Select the General Ledger Account to use as the Project Control Account. Most schools have only one such account.
  6. Profit / Loss account: Select the name of the account where to post the profit or loss for the project, for example, Fundraising Income Account.
  7. Expected End Date: This date is when you expect the project to end. From this end date, the system will list this project as a task in your Task list, indicating the project is beyond the expected end date. This is so that you can go to the project manager to submit all expenses and slips so that the project can be closed.
  8. Project has a specific Amount: If there is a certain amount for the project, select “Yes” and enter the amount. 
  9. Link learners to project: You will leave it on "no" as you will not be linking learners
  10. Link other contacts/debtors to project: Here you can choose the other debtor that you would like to link to the project
  11. Once all the information has been captured, click on the "add" button.
  12. Once you have clicked on the "add" button, it will take you back to the screen that reflects all the current projects.

How to write off money from an other debtor via a debtor's write off journal

  1. Choose Debtor Write-Off Journal
  2. Choose to do the journal for Other debtors to Ledger Account/Project - You are going to write the money off of a General Ledger Account or a project.
  3. Choose the other debtor account that you want the money to be written off from
  4. Click on "continue" and the other debtors account with outstanding balances will now reflect. 
  5. Type the date of the journal. This date will reflect as the transaction date on your Ledger account and on the learner's/other debtors statement
  6. Select the General Ledger Account against which you want to write the money off. This will usually be your "Bad Debts" account. You may have a bad debts account for learners and a separate one for other debtors.
  7. The total for the journal will be the total amount of money that you want to write off. You can also leave this block blank and just choose the months you want to write off. The system will then automatically fill the amount in for you. Also, see the two blocks in the top right-hand corner:
  8. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  9. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  10. The description is where you would have to select the reason as to why this journal is being processed.
  11. Approved by is where you have to indicate who authorized the write-off. The choice will either be your Governing Body, the Financial Committee or the Department of Education
  12. By the description block, it would be advisable to enter the details of when the original meeting took place as it's always good to be able to refer back to when the decision was made
  13. Choose the months that you want to write off. The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  14. If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button
  15. Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.

How to re-allocate incorrect postings on an other debtor account via a debtors journal

  1. Choose Debtors Journal
  2. Choose Other Debtors to Ledger Account/Project 
  3. Choose the debtor account that you want to pass a journal for
  4. Click on the "Continue" button
  5. The balances and history on the account will appear.
  6. Choose the date of the journal. This date will reflect on the General Ledger Account that is being used as well as on the other debtors statement.
  7. Choose the General Ledger Account or Project which will be debited or credited. Should you want to pass a Zero rand journal it would be advisable for you to use your "Suspense" account. Note that with a Zero rand adjustment the Ledger account will neither be debited nor credited as the amount is zero
  8. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  9. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  10. Statement Description gives you the opportunity to provide a reason for the journal that will also reflect on the debtor's statement. There is also a dropdown box with a pre-selection of reasons that you can use, should you want to or otherwise you can type in your own description that you can use in the future as well.
  11. Add a remark in the statement block as well as the journal description block. It's always a good idea to give as much information as possible so that if you have to refer back to the journal, it's clear as to why it had to be passed. You can give a more brief reason to reflect on the statement
  12. Choose the months that you want to journalize
  13. The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  14. If the journal balance, click on the "Continue" button

How to issue a receipt for an other debtor

  1. Click on the "issue a receipt" button. If you are working off of the bank statement, click on the description
  2. Click on the dropdown and choose "Debtor Other"
  3. Choose the other debtor
  4. Click on the "Continue" button
  5. Choose the type of receipt by clicking on the down arrow.
  6. Fill in the date of the receipt
  7. Received from refers to the person who has made the payment
  8. Received is where you have to choose whether you received the money electronically, cash or per cheque
  9. Fill the amount in that you have received
  10. Fill a description in as this is compulsory
  11. Allocate the money accordingly

How to print an age analysis for Other Debtors

  1. Go to Reports > Finances > Debtors > Age Analysis
  2. Choose the date of the report
  3. Choose to view/print it for Other Debtors by selecting it when clicking on the dropdown box
  4. The report will automatically be for all the accountable persons
  5. The report will be a standard analysis report
  6. Choose which balances you want to see
  7. Choose how you want to sort the report

How to print an outstanding fees report for other debtors

  1. Go to Reports > Finances > Debtors > Outstanding Fees
  2. Choose the date of the report
  3. Choose "other debtors" by "outstanding fees for"
  4. Choose which balances must reflect on the report

How to create a project detail report

  1. Choose whether all transactions must be taken into account or only for a certain period
  2. Choose to view the project detail either by Transaction, Register Class or Per Linked Learners/Other Contacts/Other Debtors
    Choose if you want to view all projects, active or closed
  3. Then choose the relevant project on the left and move it over to the right
  4. Click on the "preview" button to have the report generated

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