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Staff Documents
Documents or images for Staff members ,Parents and/or Learners. You can use this to upload a copy of a person's ID, birth certificates, proof of residence, immunization card, copy of last school's report, and other documents into d6+. Uploading ...
Learner Documents
Create different document types: My School > General > Document Types Any number of additional types can be added according to the needs of your school. Note: Only one document can be uploaded per type, per person. If you would like to upload several ...
Document Types
Documents or images for Staff members, Parents and/or Learners can now be stored on d6+. You can use this to upload a copy of a person's ID, birth certificates, proof of residence, immunisation card, copy of last school's report, and other documents ...
Learner Overview
Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. The learner overview function allows you to have a broad overview of the learner's information such as biographical information, parents information, code of conduct, academics, attendance and ...
My School > Staff > Staff Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. Every staff member's details must be uploaded to the system. This includes information of all personnel on either Government/Department or Governing Body payroll. We must ...