Parent List Report

Parent List Report

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article


  • Choose to show Detail or Summary.
  • If you chose Detail, choose for which parents to show the list - Male or Female.
  • Select the Display arrangement by choosing between Surname and Occupation.
  • Click on "Preview" to show the report. The report will be generated as a .pdf document. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a list be generated with parent occupation?
Yes, click on Reports | Learners | Parent List. Click on the drop down arrow at “Display arrangement” and select “Occupation”.

How can I export information to Excel to compile my own lists?
Ask your Superuser (Administrator) for the relevant user rights to enable you to export to Excel.
Click on My School | Learners | Learners
Click on the ‘more detail’ option.
Click on the Excel button.
An excel report with information will be downloaded bottom left corner of your screen:
Open the file in Excel and delete irrelevant columns / do formatting do compile your own list/s.

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