

My School > Parents > Parents

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.


My School > Parents > Parents
  • Click on the "load a parent" button to add a parent.
  • If it is a new Family do not select anything.
  • Enter information of the relevant parent. Please remember that all fields marked with a red (*) are compulsory.
  • At the bottom of the page, click on the "add" button to save all your information.
  • If you did not enter the full ID number of the parent, you will get an error message stating "The parent ID number is invalid. Lurits will reject the learners of this parent. Do you want to continue?" 
  • Click on the "No" button to edit the ID number.
  • Click on the "Yes" button to correct the ID number later. Your information will be saved.
  • The system will automatically navigate you back to the Parents, Guardians and Accountable persons screen.
Please ensure that you provide the complete and correct ID number for the parent, when adding a parent, alternatively if you click “Yes”, please ensure that you correct the information as soon as possible to avoid problems with your LURITS submission.


  • Search for the parent by clicking on the drop down arrow and select the specific search function you want to search by.
  • Type in the specific fields information.
  • Select ‘Parents of current learners’ or ‘All parents
  • Click on the "Search" button. The names of the parents will be displayed.
  • Alternatively, you can also type any details of the family into the search block, to search for a family. The system will navigate directly to the specific details.
  • Select the parent you want to edit by clicking on the circle on the left hand side of the number of the specific parent.
  • Click on the "edit" button.
  • Alternatively you click on the notepad and pencil icon.
  • All information about the parent will now be displayed.

  • It is essential to make changes, especially where there are errors in the data input, and where families merged through marriages between existing parents / families at the school (recomposed families).
  • Any other changes such as spelling errors, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. are done here.
  • Make your relevant changes and click on the "Save" button to save your new information.
  • The system will automatically navigate you back to the Parents, Guardians and Accountable persons screen.


There must always be at least one parent / guardian / responsible person linked to a learner.
You will be allowed to delete an additional parent.

Important Notes:
  • The system will not allow you to delete a parent with an outstanding amount on school fees, unless an additional parent loaded for the learner who   can take the responsibility. For example, if the father died, you will have to default the mother as the accountable parent and only then will you be able to remove the father.
  • You can edit the applicable learner profile then link the additional parent / guardian / responsible person. It is always good to keep the history of reporting.
  • If you delete the parent who was the accountable person, the second parent automatically fills that roll.
  • Once a parent is removed, no defaulted SMS and/or E-mails will be sent to that parent.
  • The following key, identifies which parents are the “Accountable person” or “Accountable person with banking details”. (*) (**)

  • Search for the parent by typinng either family code or surname in the search block. If you search under surname, you will have to type in the relevant surname in the applicable block.
  • Type in the specific fields information.
  • Click on the "Search" button. The names of the parents will be displayed.
  • Select the parent that you want to delete and click on the "Delete" button at the bottom of the page.
  • Alternatively, Click on the red circle next to the number of the selected parent.
  • Select the reason for deleting the parent by clicking on the drop down arrow.
  • If you are 100% sure that you want to delete the relevant parent, scroll down to the bottom of the page where the system message "Are you sure you want to make these changes and delete the parent?".
  • Click on the green "Yes" button. Your changes will automatically be saved.
  • The system will navigate you back to the beginning of the "parents, guardians or accountable persons" screen.  

                                                                                                                   © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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