Payment Options

Payment Options

Finances > Debtors > Payment Options

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Payment options are set up once a year to ensure that learners are billed for things like school fees and any other fees on a monthly basis. Once a payment option has been created, you have the option to link learners in bulk or individually. Billing for a payment option happens automatically on the system on the first of every month and it will reflect on their debtor statement. 

How to create a payment option.

  • Click on the "create a payment option" button.
  • Fill in the name of the payment option both in English and Afrikaans.
  • Choose the billing category (The statement description will default to that of the billing category but you have the option to still change it to what you want it to state).
  • Choose the statement grouping category
  • Type in your statement transaction description in Afrikaans and in English
  • Choose the year that you want the option to be relevant to.
  • The first question is whether or not the payment option is being paid by debit order. Unless you are creating a payment option solely for debit orders, please say "no" to this question. If a debtor wants to pay via debit order, you can activate the option in that learner's profile. If you answer "yes" to this question, the system will think that every learner that is linked to it, will pay via debit order.
  • The next option is to indicate, if you want your parents to be able to pay via the d6 connect app, via cashless payments . Click here for a breakdown of how the cashless payment works on the d6 connect communication app. (Please note: Cashless payments can only take place if you have an agreement with Sticitt). 
  • The next option is to indicate if you would like the payment option to show as a news feed payment item in d6 Connect. 
  • The last option regarding d6 connect, is if you want to also send push notifications to d6 Connect, regarding the payment option. 
  • The system would also then want you to indicate if your school gives a discount of any sorts, you can either select yes or no.
  • And lastly, if you provide exemption to learners, answer, you can either select yes or no. 
  • If we go to the following section of setting up the payment option, you would get the Grade Information , you can choose the relevant grades, and move them from left to right. This will enable you to link all learners specific to that grade. If you are creating a general payment option, like for instance, stationary, you will choose all the grades as you want all of your learners available for linking purposes.
  • Under the "control account for payment option", you will choose the relevant Balance Sheet account. This will be a control account and note that you will not be able to pass any journals against this account.
  • Choose the relevant income account under the "income account for fee" option.
  • Choose the relevant expense account under the "expense account for discount" option, this option will only be available if you have marked exemption as YES.
  • Choose the relevant exemption account under the "expense account for exemption" option, this option will only be available if you have marked exemption as YES.
  • Under the "Billing information" section you would first have to fill in the "Annual fee" amount. This is total that will be billed for the entire year.
  • The "billing over a period of" refers to the number of months the debtor has to settle the "Annual Fee". The fee can be paid as a "once off" in which you will case you will choose "1 month" or it can be paid over a period of "10 months" or however the school decides. The system will then take the Annual Fee and divide over the amounts of months chosen and fill it in under the months. You still have the option to change this manually, meaning you can take out the charge for say "January" and add it under "November" even though you chose for the Annual Fee to have been paid over "10 months".
  • There will be a discount column for you to add discount but note that if you enter discount in this column, it will apply to every learner linked to that option. It's advisable to rather give a discount under the discount column found when going to a learner's profile and selecting the "Billing tab".
  • Once all the information has been filled in and you are sure that all is correct, you can click on the "add" button.
  • A screen will now populate, that will reflect all the learners on the left-hand side and you can select them in bulk or individually and move them to the right-hand side. 
  • Once all the learners or the relevant learners that you wanted to link have been moved to the right-hand side, you can click on the "OK" button at the bottom. 
  • There will be a big notification block that comes up to say that you are about to link learners to a payment option and if you are sure whether you want to do this. If you do go ahead and link the learners, you will not be able to reverse the step and any discounts, exemptions or other changes would have to take place under the "billing" tab in the learner's profile.
  • Click on the "I understand" option.
  • You will now see the first screen with your  payment option loaded. 
  • Select the payment option that you want to link the learner too.
  • Click on the "link learners to option" button.
  • Select the relevant learner or learners on the left-hand side and move them over to the right-hand side.
  • Click on the "ok" button.
  • There will be a big notification block that comes up to say that you are about to link learners to a payment option and if you are sure whether you want to do this. If you do go ahead and link the learners, you will not be able to reverse the step and any discounts, exemptions or other changes would have to take place under the "billing" tab in the learner's profile.
  • Click on the "I understand" option.

How to edit a payment option.

  • Select the payment option that you want to edit.
  • Click on the "edit" button.
  • Edit the option accordingly.
Any changes that were made to the payment option will NOT affect learners that are already linked to this option. In order for them to be affected, all the learners would first have to be unlinked and then re-linked. Note that any discount or exemption given would be lost and you would have to re-capture it.
  • Should you want to unlink a learner from a payment option, this is done under the learner profile, please however take note, you can only remove/unlink a payment option from a active learner. To remove a payment option from a specific learner, please go to My School > Learners > Learners - search for your learner and edit the learner profile. Once you have edited the learner profile, at the top, different tabs will reflect such as Family, Learner, Billing, etc. Please click on billing, and search for the payment option you want to remove/unlink, you would then need to type in 0.00 at each month of the relevant payment option, once you have done this, you can scroll down and click on save changes. It would then remove the billing for the specific months, and you would be able to re-link a payment option, if needed. 

    If you need further assistance, please contact us at support via
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