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Learning Programmes
My School > Curriculum > Learning Programmes Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. LEARNING PROGRAMMES A learning program has to exist for each grade, per term to enable users to Set up the Learning programs at My School > Curriculum > ...
Setting up the curriculum for a whole year is a big task. In d6+, there are two approaches to this. For schools who follow or base their curriculum on CAPS, presets are provided after the DBE releases the SA-SAMS curriculum for a year. This allows a ...
Principal Signature
PRINCIPAL SIGNATURE The principle's signature can be saved in your d6 database to be used when printing Report cards or Achievement Certificates. For security reasons only the Superuser has access to this function when signed in with the superuser ...
School Setup
My School > General > School Setup Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. The school setup is the first and most important step to be completed before you can start on the system. It is important to complete the information with as much ...
Set up Learning Programme
Introduction My School > Curriculum > Set up Learning Programme Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. The learning program will indicate which subjects per grade and per quarter / term is offered by a school. All the Subjects and most ...