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Timetabling is one of the most complex components in the school environment. By following the steps provided in the manuals and tutorials, this complex process can be simplified.

Our Timetabler module is a stand-alone module that uses information imported from d6+.  You can set up your timetable without influencing anything in the d6+ system.  When your timetable is completed, upload the timetable to d6+ to create subject groups and view timetables per learner, staff member, class or venue. The Timetabler module is registered annually from 1 Oct to 30 Sept at a cost determined by the number of learners in your school. If you need a quote, send an email to sales@d6.co.za.

You have to complete the Admin Year-end Preparation to allocate the learners into their new classes, set up the curriculum and allocate subjects for next year. Click here for the Admin Year-end manual.  Or register here for a free e-learning session that contains tutorials to guide you through the process. 

Follow the steps in the manual or tutorials below and log a ticket by sending an email to support@d6plus.co.za if you need any help during the process.  In addition, we offer a Timetable Maintenance plan at a monthly fee that includes the setting up of your timetable as well as making any changes during the year should teachers resign. Or book a consultation to set up your timetable in an online session or at our Pretoria offices, on a date you prefer. These consultations are charged at an hourly rate. Contact sales@d6.co.za for more information on any of these options.

Timetabler Manual
Click here to view/print the Timetabler Manual.

E-Learning Video Course: Timetabler Training for Primary and High Schools
Click here  to register for the free E-Learning Course

Teacher-only timetables for Primary schools  (not linked to d6+)

Substitution timetables
Substitution Timetables 

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