Progression Schedules

Progression Schedules


A progression schedule must be submitted to the DOE to indicate which learners have progressed to the following term / year.
  • Click on Reports > DOE > Progression Schedules
  • Choose the heading to be printed on the report
  • Choose to print the report with or without marks
  • Select the Year
  • Select your curriculum
  • Choose to print Additional enrolment data. This option will print the total learners promoted, retained, etc.
  • Choose to print the Percentage, Level or Both mark types
  • Choose to print Term marks or Calculated marks
  • If you selected Term Marks:  Indicating which terms you would like to include on the progression schedule and click on the "Right Arrow" button to allocate or on the "Left Arrow" button to de-allocate them
  • If you selected Calculated Marks: select which Calculated mark you would like to display on the progression schedule, such as the promotion mark, year mark or merit mark. 
  • Select whether to print original or moderated marks. Based on department rules will XXXXXX 
  • Choose whether moderated marks must be indicated by an asterisk after the mark. 
  • Choose whether possible condoning must be highlighted.
  • Select if you want to print decisions and/or reasons, and which reasons - moderated reasons only, or moderated and fail reasons.
  • Select to either print the DBE watermark or not. 
  • You can indicate the subject pass requirements, and this will also circle marks below the subject threshold (failure mark) that were set up in the Learning Program or Subject Formulas
  • Next selection is there to add a column to print the home language instead of combining the HL and FAL in one "Language" column
  • It is possible to round learner average calculations - you can use rounded subject marks OR use accurate subject marks. For consistency with SA-SAMS, please use rounded subject-marks.  
  • Select the type of learners who you want to print for, such as the following:
    • All current Learners
    • Learners that were progressed/promoted the previous year
    • Only learners that progressed the previous year
    • Only learners that were promoted the previous year
    • Learners that are repeating the grade
  • Choose whether to include, exclude or only SNE learners
  • Choose which learner result to print (All, P = Achieved, NRP = Not achieved, PG = progressed with adjustment). 
  • Choose to group the report by Grade or Register class.
  • Select the grades or register classes and click on the "Right Arrow" button to allocate or on the "Left Arrow" button to deallocate them
  • Click on the "Generate Report" button to generate the report.
Note: If you already promoted your learners during the administrative year end process, the report will be generated with an RP/NRP column.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have specific learners who have ‘passed with adjustment’, where do the adjusted marks display?
A: The DOE indicate mark adjustments that are allowed at the end of the year. 
      E.g. a mark adjustment of 2% or less - in a maximum of 3 subjects [prioritizing the fundamental subjects of Home Language, First Additional Language and       Mathematics] may be given to learners who have obtained a subject mark which is within the 7% range of the pass requirements.
      After  moderating the marks at My School > Curriculum > Final Marks, the Progression Schedule will print the adjusted/moderated mark with an asterisk (*) next to marks that have been adjusted/moderated.

Q: Why are learners who have left the school before the end of the term displaying on the progression schedule?
A: If a learner left in the middle of the term, the Department still requires that learner to be on the schedule for that term.
     If a learner completed the term, the learner is most likely still linked to subjects for terms where they are no longer in the school. 
     E.g. The learner left in term 3 but that term was copied to term 4 - The system would have allocated the learner to the sae subjects in term 4.

                                                                                                        © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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