

Schools are always working with a project or projects. Some projects are for a specific event such as a go-kart-day or concert. Others take place continuously throughout the year, for example, the leasing of the Lapa.
The goal of the project system is to save you time and enable full detail reporting, as often requested by the School Management Team.  As you start using the system you will quickly discover which items should be handled as projects or within your existing general ledger account structure.

How to create a project.

  • Click on the Add button.
  • Project number: The system will automatically allocate the next project number.
  • Project name: Type in the year in which the profits of the project should be recognized - in front of the name, so we know at year-end we have to close the project (if you have not done so during the year). An example of the project name will be: “relevant year” Go-karts Term 1. Don't type the word "Project" in front of the name, it takes up unnecessary space and doesn't help with any reporting.
  • Project manager: The name of the responsible person can be selected from the drop-down box.
  • Project control account: Select the General Ledger Account to use as the Project Control Account. Most schools have only one such account.
  • Profit / Loss account: Select the name of the account where to post the profit or loss for the project, for example, Fundraising Income Account.
  • Expected End Date: This date is when you expect the project to end. From this end date, the system will list this project as a task in your Task list, indicating the project is beyond the expected end date. This is so that you can go to the project manager to submit all expenses and slips so that the project can be closed.
  • Project has a specific Amount: If there is a certain amount for the project, select “Yes” and enter the amount. Should you want to allow parents to pay for this project via the D6 Connect app, the amount is required.
  • Link learners to project: If there are specific learners involved in the project, choose "Yes". Select the learners on the left-hand side and move them to the right by clicking on the Double Arrow to the right. If you want to allow parents to pay for this project via the D6 Connect app the amount is required.  The learners will be moved over to the right-hand side (this means they are linked). If there are learners linked to the project, you will have the option of having the details of the project print on their debtor statement. If you choose “No”, the project will automatically be available for all the learne’s but it will not reflect on their debtor statement.
  • If you choose to have learner linked by "register class" or "grade" it will ask you for which year. This is to ensure the system uses the chosen year's register class or grade. An example would be a camp for next year's Grade 7 learner's. Next year's grade 7 learners are actually in grade 6 this year. Seeing as the project will run from this year to next year, the system needs to keep track of who was in grade 6 this year so it knows that they will be in grade 7 the following year.
  • Link other contacts/debtors to project: Here you can choose whether or not you want to link other contacts which usually consists of parents or  you can choose to link an other debtor to a project.
  • You can also choose to link staff members to your project.
  • Once all the information has been captured, click on the "add" button.
  • Once you have clicked on the "add" button, it will take you back to the screen that reflects all the current projects.
  • The current "balance" of the project is displayed. If you are making a loss (debit) the amount cell will be highlighted in Red, if you are making a profit (credit), the amount cell will be highlighted in Green.
  • The "specific amount" for the project, if applicable is displayed. In other words, if learners linked to a project and all learners need to pay the same amount, it would be captured as the "specific amount" for the project.
  • The "number of linked learners" is displayed if applicable. If learners are linked to a project, the total number of learners linked will be displayed.

Using projects without making use of the full financial module

Schools that are not making use of the full Finance Module are still able to create projects by activating the project function under School Setup. The project button will then appear under My School > System > Projects. These projects are also payable via Cashless if the school makes use of the Cashless function.
Projects in the system reflect on the Balance Sheet - However profits and losses of the specific project will appear on the Income statement for reporting purposes only. In other words what your income statements would reflect if you were to close all projects.  Please note the actual profit or loss of the project will only reflect on the general ledger income account once the project is closed.

How to edit a project.

  • Select the project that you would like to edit.
  • Click on the "edit" button.
  • Once you have edited the project, click on the "save" button.

How to close a project.

  • Select the project that you would like to close.
  • Click on the "close project" button.
  • Once you have clicked on the "close project" button, the system will bring up a screen to ask if you are certain if you want to close the project and you would then have to choose either "yes" or "no".
  • If you choose "yes", the system will generate and post a journal which will be transferred to the appropriate account.
  • If you choose "no" the system will change nothing and will navigate back to the previous screen
  • Schools that are not making use of the full Finance Module are still able to create projects by activating the project function under School Setup. The project button will then appear under My School > System > Projects. These projects are also payable via Cashless, if the school make use of the Cashless function.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd

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