

Finances > Cashbook > Receipts

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A receipt is a document that proves that money was paid to the school and has been received. The System is a process-driven system and makes provision for various types of receipts to facilitate processing. The accounting entries made by each of the five types of receipts is the same: Debit the cash book in which the transaction is received and credited the selected ledger accounts or projects.

Issue a receipt

  • To issue a receipt, click on the " Add"  button 
  • Select the type of receipt you would like to issue by clicking on the down arrow

Debtor School

  • Click on the "issue a receipt" button
  • The system will automatically default to "Debtors School"
  • Choose the relevant family 
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • Choose the type of receipt by clicking on the down arrow. The type would either be "bank statement" "Manual" or "System"
  • "Manual" is when you have issued a manual receipt and you want to now capture it on the system. This gives you the opportunity to record the manual receipt number.
  • Remember that the blocks with a red asterisk next to it is compulsory
  • Fill in the date of the receipt
  • Received from refers to the person who has made the payment
  •  Received is where you have to choose whether you received the money electronically, cash or per cheque
  • If you chose the "cheque" option, you would have to fill in the cheque number
  • Fill the amount in that you have received
  • Fill a description in as this is compulsory
  • The learner will be listed as well as all the payment options that he/she is linked to. Allocate the money accordingly
  • If a learner has paid but all outstanding monies have been allocated, then you can allocate the credit to "in advance"
  • If a learner is connected to a project and he's paying on it, please select the relevant project at the bottom of the leaner

Debtor Collector

  • Click on the "issue a receipt" button
  • Choose the "debtor collector" option by clicking on the down arrow
  • Choose the relevant debt collector by clicking on the down arrow
  • Choose the relevant family and move them from left to right
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • Choose the date of the receipt
  • Choose the "type" of receipt you want to issue
  • "Received from" will be the collector that you have received the money from
  • Indicate into which bank the money was received
  • Fill the amount received in but note that if the school pays for the collector's cost it would have to be deducted. 
  • If the school is not paying for the cost, you can fill a zero amount in
  • Fill a description in
  • Allocate the money accordingly
  • Click on the "continue" button

Debtor Other

  1. Click on the "issue a receipt" button
  2. Click on the dropdown and choose "Debtor Other"
  3. Choose the other debtor
  4. Click on the "Continue" button
  5. Choose the type of receipt by clicking on the down arrow.
  6. Fill in the date of the receipt
  7. Received from refers to the person who has made the payment
  8. Received is where you have to choose whether you received the money electronically, cash or per cheque
  9. Fill the amount in that you have received
  10. Fill a description in as this is compulsory
  11. Allocate the money accordingly

Direct receipt

  • Direct receipts are receipts that are made out to general ledger accounts or projects that are not linked to specific learners
  • Select Direct at Receipt for and click on the " Continue"  button to proceed
  • Select the receipt type. You can choose from Bank statement, Manual or System
  • Select Manual whenever the system might become offline. An option will become available to enter the manual receipt number, that should correspond to that in your receipt book
  • Select System for all other types of receipts
  • Select the date for when the receipt was issued
  • Enter whom the funds were received from by selecting from the list, or by entering a new recipient next to the drop-down list
  • Select the bank account to which the receipt must be made out to
  • Select the method of the receipt of the funds. You can choose from Cash or Cheque
  • If Cheque is selected, the options for the Cheque number and Branch will become available, which must be filled out
  • Enter the total amount received
  • Enter a description for the payment made
  • For the account or project, select the account/project number on the left-hand side or select the account/project name on the right-hand side
  • Enter the amount for this account or project item
  • Enter a description for this item
  • You can add lines to the receipt by clicking on the " Add a line"  button
  • You can remove lines from the receipt by ticking the tick box next to the line on the left-hand side and clicking on the " Delete lines " button
  • Should you want to print a receipt, click on the square box so that there's a tick next to where it says "print receipt"
  • Click on the "continue" button

Project receipts

Project receipts are receipts made out to projects. Project receipts can only be made out to projects to which learners have been allocated to.

  • Click on the "issue a receipt" button
  • Choose the project by clicking on the down arrow
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • Choose the relevant type of receipt. Choices would be "Bank statement" "Manual" and "System"
  • "Manual" will be chosen when a manual receipt was issued and you now want to capture it on the system
  • The person who has made the payment needs to be filled in
  • Remember that the blocks with a red asterisk are compulsory
  • Choose whether or not the payment was made electronically, cash or per cheque
  • If you chose "cheque" you would have to fill in the cheque number as well as the branch code and the total amount together with a description.
  • "Learner items for project" is where you would choose all the learners who have made payment. You can choose them by clicking on the square box next to their name so that there's a tick in the box. 
  • Once you have ticked the names, it would open an "amount" box where the original amount of the project will appear but you change it as the learner might not have paid the full amount
  • "Balance not allocated" should always reflect as zero as this will indicate that the full amount of the receipt has been allocated
  • Should you want to print a receipt, tick the square box next to "print a receipt"
  • You can also print individual receipts for each learner by clicking on the square box next to "also print a receipt for each learner"

Register Class Receipts

  • Click on the "issue a receipt" button
  • Choose the relevant register class
  • Choose the project by clicking on the down arrow
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • Choose the relevant type of receipt. Choices would be "Bank statement" "Manual" and "System"
  • "Manual" will be chosen when a manual receipt was issued and you now want to capture it on the system
  • The person who has made the payment needs to be filled in
  • Remember that the blocks with a red asterisk are compulsory
  • Choose whether or not the payment was made electronically, cash or per cheque
  • If you chose "cheque" you would have to fill in the cheque number as well as the branch code and the total amount together with a description.
  • Under "account/project items" you will find a list of all the learners in the relevant register class and you can from here choose which learners
    has made a payment by placing a tick into the square box next to their name
  • Once you have ticked the names, it would open an "amount" box where the original amount of the project will appear but you change it as the learner might not have paid the full amount
  • "Balance not allocated" should always reflect as zero as this will indicate that the full amount of the receipt has been allocated
  • Should you want to print a receipt, tick the square box next to "print a receipt"
  • You can also print individual receipts for each learner by clicking on the square box next to "also print a receipt for each learner"

How to search for a receipt

  • You can search for a receipt on the Receipt number, Manual receipt number, Family code, Family, Received from, Amount or Description.
  • Otherwise, you can filter the receipts issued by selecting the year, month or receipts.
  • You can now preview the receipt that you searched for by clicking on the "preview" button.
  • Should you want to reprint the receipt, click on the "preview" button again as it will open the receipt up in pdf so you can either download it or save it

How to cancel a receipt

Receipts should only be canceled when absolutely necessary. If the receipt was made out to "undeposited funds" and a deposit has been made, you would not be able to cancel it. If the receipt was issued directly off of the bank statement, you would not be able to cancel it and you would have to correct it by making a payment and re-issuing the receipt correctly
  • You can search for a receipt on the Receipt number, Manual receipt number, Family code, Family, Received from, Amount or Description.
  • Otherwise, you can filter the receipts issued by selecting the year, month or receipts.
  • Choose the relevant receipt that you want to cancel
  • Click on the "cancel receipt" button at the bottom of the page
  • Choose a reason as to why you want to cancel the receipt by clicking on the down arrow
  • The system will bring up a notice to ask if you are sure if you want to cancel the receipt and you can then choose either "yes" or "no"

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