Curriculum Remarks

Curriculum Remarks

My School > Curriculum > Remarks

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This function allows for the adding of remarks that will be displayed on the report card at the end of a term or a year. Remarks can be added to a report card to display the teacher's comment for a learner for a term, grade, subject, task or learning outcome. The remark can be added to apply to an entire term, grade, subject, task or learning outcome (which can be applied for all learners applicable), or it can be added to apply to a specific learner for a general remark, subject remark or a task or learning outcome remark. After creating the remarks database in the Curriculum module, it should be applied
in the Learners module.
  • The screen is divided into 7 tabs:  
    • Term Remarks
    • Grade Remarks
    •  Subject Remarks
    • Task/LO Remarks

    • Learner Remarks
    • Learner Subject Remarks
    • Learner Task/LO Remarks

  • The first four tabs are for remarks applicable to all of the learners for that selection.
  • The last three tabs are for remarks applicable to individual learners.
Please note:  You do not have to set up all the tabs before a comment can be linked, only those needed.
On all the tabs you can choose to how the remarks should be displayed.  This is done according to the Status. 
  • All:  This will display all the Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Active:  This will display only Active Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Inactive:  This will display only Inactive Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Deleted:  This will display only Deleted Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • When printing remarks on report cards, click on My School > Curriculum > Report Card Templates.
  • Select the relevant template and "Edit chosen template".
  • Click on the tab called ‘Remarks’. 
  • Here you have different options with regards to printing the teacher remarks on the report card. 

How to create a Term Remark (Tab 1)

  • Term Remarks will display on every Learner Report card for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each term.
  • To add a new Term Remark, click on "add new."  
  • Category:  Select the category for the remark by clicking on the arrow next to General. You can choose from General, Positive, Negative or Old Remarks (which should usually be remarks what were converted from the previous remarks module).  
  • Opmerkingskode/Remark Code:  This will be generated automatically by the System and cannot be edited.
  • Remark Afrikaans/Remark English:  Enter the remark for both languages in the space provided.
  • Special tags: 
  • You can make use of the special tags that will automatically change depending on their nature, such as "He/She", which will change to "he" in the case of a male learner and "she" in the case of a female learner.
  • If the remark, for example, should display the following:  “John’s marks improved this term.  I am proud of him.”, the following tags should be used marks improved this term. I am proud of him.
  • As you start typing in the Afrikaans Remark block, the following two buttons will appear: " Vertaal in Engels" Use this button to do a rough English translation to the English Remark block. The system uses Google Translate for this function.  You will have to revise your computer-generated English translation.
  • "Kopieer in Engels": Use this button to copy your remark text to the English field.  This will copy the Afrikaans remark in the English Remark block.  Do not use this function if you translated to English.
  • Please check the English translation to make sure it translated correctly.
    Click on the save button to save the Term Remark. A message will be displayed in the right-hand bottom corner after successful saving: Success 1 Remark saved.

How to create a Grade Remark (Tab 2)

  • Click on the tab for Grade Remarks.
  • Grade Remarks will display on every Learner Report Card in the specific grade that was selected for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each grade each term.
  • To add a new Grade Remark, click on "add new".
  • Category:  Select the category for the remark by clicking on the arrow next to General. You can choose from General, Positive, Negative or Old Remarks (which would usually be remarks that were converted from the previous remarks module).  
  • Opmerkingskode/Remark Code:  This will be automatically generated by the System and cannot be edited.
  • Remark Afrikaans/Remark English:  Enter the remark for both languages in the space provided.
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.
  • Click on the save button to save the Grade Remark. A message will be displayed in the right-hand bottom corner after successful saving: Success 1 Remark saved

How to create a Subject Remark (Tab 3)

  • Click on the tab for Subject Remarks.
  • Subject Remarks will display on every Learner Report Card in the specific grade for the specific subject that was selected for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each grade each term.
  • To add a new Grade Remark, click on "add new".
  • Category:  Select the category for the remark by clicking on the arrow next to General. You can choose from General, Positive, Negative or Old Remarks (which would usually be remarks that were converted from the previous remarks module).
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.
  • Click on the save button to save the Term Remark. A message will be displayed in the right-hand bottom corner after successful saving: Success 1 Remark saved.

How to create a Task / LO Remark (Tab 4)

  • Click on the tab for Task/LO Remarks. 
  • Task/LO Remarks will display on every Learner Report Card in the specific grade for the specific subject and the specific task/LO that was selected for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each grade, each subject and each task/LO each term.
  • To add a new Grade Remark, click on "add new".
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.

How to create a Learner  Remark (Tab 5)

Please note:  There is also a function available to type personal messages for learners as if you would have handwritten the message. Please go to My School > Learners > Remarks.
  • Click on the tab for Learner Remarks.
  • Learner Remarks will display only on selected learners on their Learner Report Card for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each learner each term.
  • You can make use of the special tags that will automatically change depending on their nature, such as "He/She", which will change to "he" in the case of a male learner and "she" in the case of a female learner.
  • To add a new Learner Remark, click on " add new".  
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.

How to create a Learner Subject Remark (Tab 6)

  • Click on the tab for Learner Subject Remarks. 
  • Learner Subject Remarks will display only on selected learners on their Learner Report Card for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each learner each term.
  • You can make use of the special tags that will automatically change depending on their nature, such as "He/She", which will change to "he" in the case of a male learner and "she" in the case of a female learner.
  • To add a new Learner Subject  Remark, click on " add new".
  • Special tags:  
  • For instance, if you would like the remark to display the following:  “John enjoyed participating in Arts and Culture this term.”, you will use the special tags as follows: " Nickname" enjoyed participating in "Subject" this term. 
  • Select the subject from the dual list box and move to the right.
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.

How to create a Learner Task/LO Remark (Tab 7)

  • Click on the tab for Learner Task/LO Remarks. 
  • Learner Task/LO Remarks will display only on selected learners on their Learner Report Card for a specific term. If you want the remark to display every term, you have to link the remark to each learner each term.
  • You can make use of the special tags that will automatically change depending on their nature, such as "He/She", which will change to "he" in the case of a male learner and "she" in the case of a female learner.
  • To add a new Learner Remark, click on "add new".
  • Further steps are the same as discussed under tab 1.

How to edit Remark

  • Click on the relevant tab, e.g. Term Remark
  • Make your selection to display the Remarks according to their status -  Active, Inactive or Deleted Remarks for the selection you made, e.g. Term Remark.
  • All:  This will display all the Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Active:  This will display only Active Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Inactive:  This will display only Inactive Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Deleted:  This will display only Deleted Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Double click on the remark that you need to edit.
Please note:  If you are making changes to Subject or Task/LO remarks the additional Subjects and Task/LO screens options will be displayed.
  • Make the changes needed and click on "save" to save any changes made.

How to change the status of a Remark

  • You can change the status of a remark - Active, Inactive or Deleted. 
  • Click on the relevant tab, e.g. Term Remark
  • Make your selection to display the Remarks according to their status -  Active, Inactive or Deleted Remarks for the selection you made, e.g. Term Remark. 
  • All:  This will display all the Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Active:  This will display only Active Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Inactive:  This will display only Inactive Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Deleted:  This will display only Deleted Remarks/Comments that were created.
  • Double click on the remark that you need to edit.
  • Change the Status by clicking on the Down arrow in the Status field.
  • Select the desired status, e.g. Inactive or Deleted.
  • Click on "save" to change the status.
  • The colour of remarks will change once the status has been changed:
  • Deleted remarks will be shown in red.
  • Inactive remarks will be shown in orange.
Please note:  You can also change the status of a Deleted/Inactive remark back to Active by following the same procedure as above.


I do not want to create a generic remark but want to type a personal message for every learner

Please navigate to My School > Learners > Remarks on typing personal messages for a learner.

Why is the remark not printing on a report card?

When printing remarks on report cards, click on Reports > Learners > Report Cards. Select the relevant template and ‘edit’. Click on the tab called ‘Remarks’. Tick the tick box under ‘Print teacher remarks’.

How can I search for specific remarks that I created?

  • Click on My School > Curriculum > Remarks.
  • Type your keyword in the Filter box.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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