Report Card Templates

Report Card Templates

The Report Card Template setup is used to configure all options/ preferences to be displayed when printing a report card.

Create or update report card templates 

  1. Double click on a Template to edit an exiting template or Click "Copy" to make a copy of an existing Template.
  2. To create a new template, click on the "Add" button.
  3. Preset report card templates are available to be edited. However, d6+ does not offer a Report Card Designer to set up unique layouts. 
  4. Kindly note, only basic changes such as font sizes and selected marks columns are possible or to include and exclude some of the sections.
  5. It is possible to copy an existing template to set up additional report card templates, e.g. for different phases or terms..
  6. It is highly recommended to create different templates for Term and Promotion reports, as require different marks setups.
  7. Remove the templates not in use to prevent confusion when printing report cards.
  8. The table below provides detailed information for every setting on the Report Card Template.


Template name

·       Enter a descriptive name in Afrikaans and English. E.g., Term report grades 4-6

School Letterhead

·       Pre-printed: You have pre-printed pages with the school letterhead to print the learner’s name and marks onto

·       Standard: The system generates a standard letterhead the includes your school’s name and contact information

·       Digital: You created an A4 size jpg file that will serve as a full-page background for the report card

·       Provincial: Use the official provincial letterhead

Print absent days

·       Indicate if the total number of days the learner was absent should be printed on the report card.

Show days arrived late

·       If late-comings were entered in Learners > Whereabouts, the number of days the learner arrived later per term can be printed on the report card

Show days left early

·       If "left early" was entered in Learners > Whereabouts, the number of days the learner left early per term can be printed on the report card

Show days with periods not attended

·        If "periods not attended" was entered in Learners > Whereabouts, the number of days with periods not attended per term can be printed on the report card

Show Recognitions and Violations

·       If the Discipline function was used, the number of recognitions and violations per term can be printed

Cut-off date for Absentees / Whereabouts / Discipline

·       If you selected "Yes" on any of the above, you can indicate the cut-off date for absentees, whereabouts, and discipline. Select the last day of term or enter a custom date.

Print Subject Teachers name

·       Indicate if the subject group teacher’s name should be printed in brackets after each subject.

Subject teacher name format

·       Indicate the format of the teacher’s name that should be printed. Title, Initials, Nickname and/or full names
(this will only appear if you have selected yes to print the subject teachers name)

Print School Reopen date

·       Indicate if the sentence “School reopens on xxx-xx-xx” should be printed at the bottom of the report card.

·       (The date to be printed will be selected from the term dates at My School > General > Terms)

Report start height

·       When using a Digital Letterhead, enter a numerical value to indicate the position from the top of the page edge to print the report card heading. 

Report Heading

·       Select one of the available headings or create your own custom heading

Print ID number

·       Select to print the learner ID number on the report card

Print years in grade

·       Select to print the number of years a learner has been in the current grade

Print years in phase

·       Select to print the number of years a learner has been in a phase

Print footer date

·       Select to print the date on which you generate/email the report card in the footer of the report card

Scale table (level descriptors)

·       Indicate whether the scale table (1-7) should be printed. The options are:
*Levels and descriptions
*Percentages, Levels, and descriptions

Select which scale sets to print

·       Select which scale sets to print, this can either be marks, effort ratings or both.

Scale table sorting

·       Should the table order be 1-7 or 7-1

Additional level descriptors

·       Indicate whether these four additional level descriptors should be included in the Scale table (Shown in blue below):

Scale table (level descriptors) line height

·       This is to indicate the height of the lines in the scale table. If the number is too small, it will default to the height of the font size of the table

Learner Name

·       Select the Learner name format for the report card.

Learner Grade

·       Indicate the way the learner class should be printed.

Comparative Terms

·       Indicate the number of terms to print on the report card. Only terms containing marks will be printed.

Space for School Stamp

·       Do you want to print a frame where the school stamp will be stamped?  Please note, the stamp cannot be imported digitally.

·       If you plan to email the report cards, do not include the empty frame on the report card.

Print grade next to subjects

·       The grade of the subject taken can be printed in brackets after the subject.

·       This option is mostly used by schools where learners can take subjects from different grades. 

Line height

·       Indicate the line-height of the lines in the marks table. 

·       If you indicate a number that is too small, the line height will be determined by the font size used.

·       The general number is ‘8’.

Width of Marks column

·       Indicate the width of the marks columns.

·       If you indicate a number that is too small, the column width will be determined by the length of the heading of the column.

·       For equally spaced columns, use the width ‘40’

Letter size for Marks column

·       Indicate the font size of the marks to be printed

Letter size for section titles

·       Indicate the font size of the section titles, e.g., Learner average, Result, Endorsement, etc.

Date format

·       Choose the format of the date that will print on the report card.


Print the following assessment type

Choose the type of mark to be printed on the report cards:

·       Combined Marks: Print the calculated marks that include all mark types (SBA, PAT and Exam) for the selected term.

·       SBA: Prints only the marks for the SBA type tasks/assessments as indicated at My School > Curriculum >Setup Learning Program > Step 2.
The report heading will also print as ‘SBA Report’

·       PAT:  Prints only the marks for the PAT type tasks/assessments as indicated at My School > Curriculum >Setup Learning Program > Step 2

·       Exam:  Prints only the marks for the Exam type tasks/assessments as indicated at My School > Curriculum >Setup Learning Program > Step 2

·       ANA: not required by DOE for now.

Character to use on Smiley report

·       A smiley report card does not print marks for learners but indicates progress with smiley faces as three column headings.


·       If you prefer to use other pictures, send your examples to Support to submit to the developers.

·       Indicate the character to use to indicate which column is applicable for the subject when printing a Smiley report card

Combine marks into one column

·        If the Subject is set to print percentages and the tasks only levels, they will print in one column when you select this option. Otherwise they will print in separate columns

Print the raw mark

·       Indicate if the raw mark should be printed. i.e. the mark that was entered for the task or assessment.  If this option is selected, you can indicate the number of decimals it should be rounded to.

Print the weighted mark

·       Indicate if the weighted mark should be printed. i.e. the mark calculated according to the weights indicated at My School > Curriculum > Setup Learning Program. If this option is selected, you can indicate the number of decimals it should be rounded to.

Moderated marks

At the end of the year, The DOE allows schools to moderate the final subject marks of learners.

·       Indicate whether the Original, Moderated or marks adjusted according to DOE rules should be printed.

Moderation Symbol

·       Should an * be printed after the moderated mark as required by DOE.

Print all the assessment types separately

·       Should the assessment types be printed separately? E.g. indicate SBA/PAT/Exam marks per assessment  

Representation of assessment type marks

Indicate the type of mark that should be printed:

·       Percentage: Prints the calculated mark percentage.

·       Level: Prints the level of the mark (1-7)

·       Smiley (single column): One column with a different smiley next to each subject to indicate the result.

·       Smileys (multiple columns): Three columns with a smiley face as heading, with a bullet or cross in the relevant column to indicate the result.

Print report cards down to this level

Indicate up to which level marks should be printed on the report card:

·       Subject/Learning area: Red level

·       Component/LO/Task: Orange level

·       Assessment: Green level

Marks format

indicate the format of each mark type. 

·       Indicate whether the name should print with a shaded background to highlight it.

.    Indicate the Font size
.    Should the name be printed in bold
.    Indicate the mark type to be printed:  Percentage/Level/Smiley
     Smileys in a single column will print a different smiley next to each subject to indicate the result
     Smileys in multiple columns will print in t
hree columns with a smiley face as heading and a bullet point or cross          in the relevant column to indicate the result.

Print additional mark types

·       Indicate if you want to print additional mark types.  (Year Mark/Merit Mark/Promotion Mark)

·       This is compulsory at the end of the year to print the final promotion mark on the report card.

·       It is advisable to create a separate report card template for the promotion report cards, to prevent difficulties when printing the first Term report the following year.
If you do not want to do this, please remember to mark “print additional mark types” as NO, when you print for terms 1 to 3.

Print Promotion as

·       When printing all the terms on a report card, you must indicate if the last term (term 4) should be replaced with the Promotion mark column. 

o   "Extra column" will print T1, T2, T3, T4, Promotion

o   "Replace last term" will print T1, T2, T3, Promotion

Select additional mark types

·       Select the ark type to print on the report card. It is usually promotion mark.

·       If you need to set up additional mark types to print, e.g., Prelim marks, contact Support for assistance.

Round marks to this number of decimals

·       Indicate how many decimals should be used to show marks on the report cards.

Print learner average

·       Indicate if the learner term average should be printed below the arks in the term column.

Rounding in learner average calculation

·       There are two options: To use accurate subject marks, or to use rounded subject marks. We advise schools to please make use of rounded subject marks when submitting schedules to their district, as this is what is consistent with SA-SAMS.

For reporting purposes, you can decide which works better for you.

Please take note: When averages are calculated using rounded marks, the number of decimal places will be used to round the marks that are used in the calculation, as well as to round the result. When unrounded marks are chosen, only the result of the calculation will be rounded.

FET learner average calculation method

For FET- phase learners that have more than seven subjects, indicate the calculation method for their average.

·       Average of all subjects: Calculates the average by adding all the marks and dividing the total by the number of subjects.

·       Core subjects and 3 best electives: Calculates the average by adding the marks for the core subjects  (Languages, Maths and LO) with the three best marks out of the remaining choice subjects. Dividing the total by 7.

Print grade average

·       Print the grade average per subject as an additional column.

Print subject group average

·       The subject group average appears as another column in the mark’s column

Print subjects not part of the average

·       A school may offer additional subjects that should not be used as part of the learner average. E.g., Bible, Computer Literacy, etc.

·       Indicate if these subjects should print in a separate table below the Subject marks on the report cards.

·       Indicate these subjects as “Not part of average” at My School > Curriculum > Setup Learning Program > Step 2

Print learner average for subjects not part of the average 

·       It will only become available if the above has been selected.

.    Indicate if the learner average for the subjects indicated above should be printed.

Promotion Requirements-tab

Print promotion requirements

·       Indicate whether the promotion requirements should be printed on the report card

·       E.g.  Promotion Requirements: 50% in a Home Language, 40% in a First Additional Language, 40% in Mathematics,

·       40% in 3 other subjects and 30% in 2 other subjects

Indicate subject pass requirements

·       Draw a red circle around the failure marks. 

·       The mark to be circled is indicated at My School > Curriculum > Setup Learning Program > Step 2. 

Verdict headings

·       Type the headings in English and Afrikaans that should be printed to display the Verdicts


·       Select whether the verdict for the selected term should be printed on the report card.

·       Select the term that should be used for the verdict when printing the report card.

o   Print code: E.g. “NA”, “R”, “P”

o   Print description: E.g. “Not achieved”, “Retained”, “Promoted”

. The code or wording can be changed at  My School > Curriculum > Decision Methods

Endorsement headings

·       Type the headings in English and Afrikaans that should be printed to display the Endorsements


·       Select whether the Endorsement for the selected term should be printed on the report card.

·       Select the term that should be used for the endorsement when printing the report card.

o   Print code: E.g., “U”, “D”, “H”

o   Print description: E.g., “Bachelor's Degree”, “Diploma”, “Higher Certificate”

Position of verdicts

·       Indicate whether the verdicts should print as a comment below the marks table,

     or if it should print in the marks table in the column for each term.

Print verdict reason comments

·       Indicate if the verdict reason comment for the selected term should print.

E.g. Term 2: 30% in 2 other subjects required.

Print learner promotion comments

·       This option should only be used on the final Promotion Report at the end of the year.

E.g. John is not ready to progress to grade 12. He will need to repeat grade 11 in 2022.

 .    The wording can be changed at My School > Curriculum > Decision Methods


Different remark types can be set up at My School > Curriculum > Remarks

Remark line height

Print remarks for subjects/learning areas

.     Indicate the space between empty lines

.     If Subject/Learning Area remarks were set up, indicate if it should print below each subject on the report card.

Subject/Learning outcome headings. 

·       Enter the headings to be printed above the subject/learning outcome remarks

.    Indicate if the remarks should be printed with a shading
.    Indicate the number of blank lines that should be printed after the subject remarks

Print blank remark lines for selected subjects/learning areas

·       Indicate if blank lines should be printed below each subject to allow educators to write remarks by hand.

.    Indicate the number of lines to be printed

Print teacher remarks

·       If Learner Remarks were entered, indicate if these remarks should print at the bottom of the report card.

Indicate the teacher remark comments formatting

·       The remarks heading

.    Should a frame print around the remarks
.    Should a number of empty lines print after the teacher remark
.    Should lines be drawn on the lines to allow writing
.    Indicate the required font size of the teacher/subject remarks'.

Print lines for parent remark

·       Indicate if a number of empty lines should be printed for the parent to write a comment

Print comparative remarks

·       The teacher remarks for all the terms selected on the Format tab will be printed.

Biographical info

Biographical info such as weight and length of pre-school learners can be entered at My School > Learners > Biographical Information.

·       If preferred, this information can be printed on the report card.


Print signature area for teacher

·       Indicate if a signature line should be printed on the left of the report card where the educator could sign the report card manually.

      Note:  Only the Principal's signature can be printed on the report card.

Educator name

·       Select the format of the educator’s name below the signature line

Educator Title

·       Select an appropriate title to print below the line where the signature line.

·       Choose between the Educator’s own name, the words “Register teacher” or type your own custom title. 

Print teacher signature line on e-mail report card

·       Print the signature line when sending the report card via e-mail – Since the teacher signature can not be printed on the emailed report card, indicate if the signature line should be printed when emailing the report cards.

Print signature area for Grade head

·       Indicate if a line should be printed in the middle of the report card where the Grade Head could sign the report card manually.

      Note:  Only the Principal's signature can be printed on the report card.

Grade head title

·       Select an appropriate title to print below the signature line where the grade head should sign.

·       Choose between the different titles or type your own custom title. 

Print grade head signature line on e-mail report card

·       Print the signature line when sending the report card via-mail – Since the Grade head signature can not be printed on the emailed report card, indicate if the signature line should be printed when emailing the report cards. 

Print signature area for parent

·       Indicate if a line should be printed in the middle of the report card where the parent should sign the report card.

Print parent signature on e-mail report card

·         Print the signature line when sending the report card via e-mail – If the parent has to sign the emailed report card, indicate if the signature line should be printed when emailing the report cards. 

Print signature area for Principal

·       Indicate if a line should be printed on the right of the report card where the principal should sign the report card.

Principal’s name

·       Select the format of the principal’s name on the report card

Principal’s title

·       Select an appropriate title to print below the signature line.

·       Choose between the different titles or type your own custom title. 

Print signature date

·       Indicate whether a specific date should be indicated when printing the report cards

Print signature

·       It is possible to print the signature of the principal on the report card.

·       If the school wishes to do this, scan the principal’s signature, and send it to Support to upload onto the school’s database.

·       NOTE: The system can only accommodate one principal’s signature, not different signatures for different phases. 

Print principal signature line on e-mail report card?

·       Print the signature line when sending the report card via e-mail. If the signature itself is printed, this is ignored- this option can be ticked or unticked, as it is optional.


Email template

·       Edit the text of the email that will be sent with the learner’s report card attached to your personal preference.

.    The fields listed on the right can be used to personalise the text.

·       Each parent with an email address entered on the system will receive their own learner’s report card.

To Generate the report cards:
  1. Go to Reports > Learners > Report Cards
  2. Select the relevant template to print report cards based on the templates you designed.
  3. Select to Print or email the report cards
  1. Delete the sample templates that will not be used, to prevent confusion when printing
  2. Report card templates that have been set up correctly, can be copied and edited.
  3. Download and save termly report cards in pdf-format, to have available when learners ask for duplicates.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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