Report Cards

Report Cards

Reports are generated to display learners' progress throughout a year and to present the learners’ marks to parents. 
Report Cards can be emailed to parents that is marked to receive communication for the learner.
Report cards can be generated for active learners as well as learners with a ‘left’ status. 


  1. The first step is to select a report card template.  There is various one's to select from, and the ones reflecting on the dropdown is pre-setup report cards. You can also use one of the default  report card templates provided.

  2. Once you have selected the phase you want to print or generate a report for, you can use the default layout, or "edit chosen template" to change options on the template. Refer to the manual at My School > Curriculum > Report card templates
    Note: The Smiley (Pre-Primary) report card templates are now included with all other templates. 
  3. Select for which ‘Year’ you would like to print report cards
  4. Select for which ‘Term’ you would like to print report cards
  5. For schools with Multi Curriculum, select the relevant curriculum.
  6. Select which term's promotion results (Promoted/Retained) should be printed.
    Please note: For the Promotion reports, select "Promotion Mark" and NOT term 4 results to ensure that the Promotion Formulas are used to calculate the final results.
  7. If you chose on your template to print total absent days on a custom date, select up to which date to calculate the totals. 
  8. Select the ‘Language’ you would like the reports to be printed in by selecting an option from the drop-down box
    1. Single medium schools will only be able to see the Afrikaans and English options
    2. Dual and Parallel medium schools will be able to choose the “Select a specific tuition language” option as well. This will enable you to print the report cards in the preferred Tuition language
    3. To change the Tuition Language of your school or add more languages click on the following buttons - My School > General > School Setup - Under "Medium" you can change your school's medium and under "Tuition language" you can add or remove additional languages
  9. Select if you would like to ‘Print Report Cards for’ -  Register Classes, Current Learners, Left Learners and House sport teams. This can also be done by tuition language for current learners. 
  10. If you set up the report card template to print components for selected subjects, indicate the subjects that should print up to Component level.
    E.g. Social Sciences to print History and Geography.
  11. Select the relevant Learners, Classes or Learners of a specific tuition language and move them to the right. 
  12. Click on the "generate reports" button, or E-mail Reports depending on your user rights.
  13. The report will generate as a pdf-document that can be printed or downloaded to be saved for future use. 

E-Mail report cards to Parents

  1. It is possible to email report cards to parents of learners per Learner, Grade or Register class.
  2. Parent's whose email addresses are entered into the system and were indicated to "receive communication" on the parent details, will receive their learner's report card by email.
  3. If you do not see the "Email Reports" button at REPORTS > Learners > Report Cards, contact your Superuser to assign the applicable rights to you at
    1. Communication rights > May release report cards via email and
    2. Program rights > 2.1.2 Print report cards: at least "View" rights 
  4. The Principal's signature can be printed on the report card if the school send a scanned version to 

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