

My School > Communication > Resources

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

Add a resource to Own / Dynamic Channel 

  1. My School > Communication > Resources
  2. Click on the "Add" button.
  3. Select the Category for the Resource you want to post in the drop-down menu. The category is a heading for a group of resources will appear in the d6 Connect App.
  4. Type a title and description for the Resource.
  5. You can add an expiry date when the resource should not display anymore. If no date is entered the resource will be available 'forever'.
  6. A resource can not be published to a Dynamic and Own channel at the same time. If you want to make it available to both, you will have to publish it to Dynamic channels first and then repeat the process to publish in an Own Channel as well. For this reason, an Own Channel that includes all the parents and all the staff (as other contacts) will be more effective.
  7. Select the target Channels (the audience who should see the resource). Multiple Channels can be selected.
  8. To add an attachment, click on the "Add" button to add a file from your computer of the URL-link to a file saved 'in the cloud'.
  9. Multiple attachments can be added up to a total of 25 Mb. If you need to add more attachments, you will have to post another resource..
  10. To enable all users to open the attachments, it is best to load all resources in a  *.pdf format. 
  11. You can choose to notify the users of the new resource with a news message and/or a push notification or deselect both to prevent a news message being sent.
  12. Save as draft or publish if user rights allow this.

Edit/Delete/Copy a Resource

To Edit a Resource: 
Highlight / Double-click the relevant Resource and click on the "edit" button.

Note that the Edit/Remove and Copy buttons will be disabled until you choose a Resource.
  1. Make changes while editing.
  2. You can choose to notify parents of the re-published resource: Click in the appropriate boxes for "Send as a news item" and/or Send a push notification.
  3. Save as draft or publish if user rights allow this.

Un-publish a Resource: 

  • Highlight/Double-click the relevant added Resource and click on the 'un-publish' button. (Note that the Edit/Remove and Copy buttons will be disabled until you choose a Resource entry).
  • The entry will now be displayed in orange. Note:  Items highlighted with this colour are unpublished and cannot be viewed by end-users.

Delete a Resource:

  • Highlight/ Double-Click the relevant Resource and click the "remove" button. (Note that the Edit/ Remove and Copy buttons will be disabled until you choose a Resource.)
  • The system will display this message: "Do you want to remove the resource globally from all linked channels?"
  • To permanently delete the resource, click "Ok".
  •  The resource will be erased from all channels.
  • If you're viewing a specific channel's resources when deleting, and a resource is linked to multiple channels. a second prompt will appear if you cancel the first:  "Do you want to remove the resource from the selected channel?".
  • To remove the resource form the currently selected channel only, click Ok.

Copy a Resource:
  • Highlight/ Double-click the relevant Resource and click the "copy" button.
  • The title of the new Resource will now be "Copy of Resource name" - You need to change this manually if required.
  • Choose the Channels to copy this Resource to.
  • You can choose to send a push notification or news message: Click in the appropriate boxes for "Send as a news item" and/or Send a push notification.
  • Save as draft or publish if user rights allows this.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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