RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds (Rich Site Summary): Use a specific URL that points to a web page that’s got short articles (users linked to public channels will receive these feeds).

An RSS feed is a feature that is available in many existing systems. For example, you can register for RSS feeds on News24, SuperSport etc. When these systems send out an RSS feed, you will receive everything in one place instead of having to open separate websites. 

Some schools instruct their website developers to set up their website to send out RSS feeds to subscribers. E.g. When schools post messages on their blog it can be sent to their RSS Feeds subscribers as well. D6 Connect users will receive the RSS feeds on the channel selected in the RSS Feeds setup.


  1. Click the +Add button to add a new RSS Feed.
  2. Send a push notification
  3. No: The user will see the message whenever he/she decides to open the app.
  4. Yes: The message will pop up on the screen immediately, even if the d6 Connect app is closed.
  5. Select channel targetSelect the channel to which the RSS feeds should be sent. Several channels are available on the drop-down menu.

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