School Setup

School Setup

My School > General > School Setup

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.
The school setup is the first and most important step to be completed before you can start on the system. It is important to complete the information with as much detail as possible and to ensure that the information is true and correct since the data used will be sent to LURITS and is vital to perform other functions in the system, throughout the year.

School Setup your school

  • Enter the school's name and enter the school's short name as it will appear in an SMS sent at . 
  • Please note: The short name will only appear on messages where pre-populated templates are used, for example sending an sms to Debtors. 
  • Choose whether the school is a public or private school.
  • Select by which institution the land is owned by.
  • Select by which institution the buildings are owned by.
  • Choose whether the school specialises in a certain field of education.
  • Choose whether the school is a single medium or dual medium school.
  • If at you selected dual medium, select the tuition languages.
  • Choose whether there should be multiple register classes assigned to staff members.
  • Make sure you choose the correct Country in the dropdown.
  • Choose the province in which the school is located in.
  • Choose the city or town in which the school is located in.
  • Choose the suburb in which the school is located in.
  • Enter the school's district in.
  • Enter the school's district code in.
  • Enter the school's circuit in.
  • Enter the school's quintile in and the quintile is decided by the DOE.
  • Enter the school's EMIS number in.
  • Enter the school's PERSAL pay point number in.
  • Enter the school's PERSAL component number in.
  • Enter the school's telephone number in.
  • Enter the school's fax number in.
  • Enter the school's finances email address in.
  • Enter the school's administration email address in.
  • Enter the school's website address in.
  • Enter your school’s Physical address and Postal address all the way to the bottom. Take note of the choice to Print watermark on transfer card.
  • The page will additionally display your school's last admission number, last pre-school admission number and last family code
  • Does your school have a Governing body?

    1. Indicate whether your school has a governing body or not.
    2. Indicate whether your school is responsible for:
    1. Maintenance and improvements of buildings and grounds
    2. Determining the extra-curricular curriculum and choice of subject options
    3. Purchasing of textbooks, educational materials or equipment
    4. Payments for services rendered
    5. Provision of an adult based education and training class or centre
    6. Provision of other functions consistent with the Schools Act

    Host school information:

    1. Indicate whether your school uses another school's facilities.
    2. If  you selected Yes, enter the host school's name in.
    3. If  you selected Yes, enter the host school's EMIS number in.
    4. If  you selected Yes, indicate when the facilities are used.
    5. Choose the method whereby LURITS information is submitted. If you are using the  system, the selection will always, unless in special circumstances, be electronic. If you are unsure, contact the Help Desk.

    SASAMS requirements:

    1. Indicate the  type  of school
    2. Indicate whether your school has  SID learners
    3. Indicate whether your school has remedial classes
    4. Indicate whether your school has LSEN classes
    5. Indicate the number of admin computers at the school
    6. The EMIS officer is the staff member that is responsible for the SAMS submissions. Select the officer from your staff list.
    7. Complete the necessary information of the Dep. of Education representative.
    8. Select the asset manager from your list of staff.
    9. Select the disciplinary head
    10. Choose when the accumulated totals of disciplinary marks expire.
    11. Choose the default parent selection for communication in the dropdown.
    12. Choose the default parent selection for communication on Absentees in the dropdown.
    13. Select the enrichment programmes and move to the right to activate.
    14. Select the sports and move to the right to activate.
    15. If you are using the D6 communicator you can just select ‘Yes’ in the dropdown.
    16. Enter the auditor's firm name in.
    17. Enter the auditor partner name in.
    18. Enter the auditor's telephone number in.
    19. Enter the auditor's email address in.
    20. Enter the auditor's physical address in.
    21. Enter the auditor's postal address in.

     Main bank account with Bank Details:

    If you have a main bank account, you can set it up as a ledger account. After it is set up, you can select the drop down arrow and click the main bank account
    1. Choose the method of accounting
    2. Select the Learner Control Account by selecting the account number or account name.
    3. Select the Undeposited Funds Account by selecting the account number or account name.
    4. Select the In Advance Income Account by selecting the account number or account name.
    5. Select the Accumulated Funds Account by selecting the account number or account name.
    6. In addition, the following information will be displayed:
      1. The last journal number
      2. The last reallocation number
      3. The last project number
      4. The last project closing journal number
      5. The last invoice number
      6. The last receipt number
      7. The last deposit number
    7.  Select if the school is receiving cash on the premises.

    If your school uses a debit order system,(THE d6 SUPPORT TEAM OF WILL SETUP THE DEBIT ORDER FUNCTION)

    These settings are not alterable by any user other than an administrator. The following is for informative purposes only. 
    1. The debit order format is displayed.
    2. The bank account is displayed.
    3. The debit order submission date is displayed.
    4. The specific payment allocation for debtors is displayed.
    5. In addition, the following information will be displayed:
      1. The last file number
      2. The last unpaid debit order number
      3. The last discarded debit order number
      4. The last rejected debit order number

    d6 Cashless Integration:
    d6 Cashless is an online payment solution built to integrate with the d6 Connect App. If the school uses the d6 Connect App, this integration that is setup here will enable parents to pay for projects and other fees as set up in the finance module!  If the school opts to use the function, the following information needs to be completed:
    1. Set Use d6 Cashless for cashless payments to “Yes”
    2. d6 Cashless Merchant ID:
      1. Once the school has signed a contract with Sticitt (Our Partner who handles the Payment gateway), they will send us your d6 Cashless Merchant ID. So this field is filled in by our administration/support teams
    1. d6 Cashless bank account:
      1. This field will provide you with the list of bank accounts (normally there should only be one account) that was setup under the Finance module (General Ledger | Accounts) as  a bank account that only accepts electronic transactions and the Import Format was set to “Sticitt - Cashless (English)”
    1. Post d6 Cashless transfers to account:
      1. Select the bank account into which d6 Cashless has to pay the fees that they have received.
    1. Post d6 Cashless costs to account:
      1. Select the account where the costs for d6 Cashless transactions should be posted. This should normally be your Bank Charges account but you can also set up another expense account from Finance | General Ledger | Accounts should you wish to report this separately.
    1. Once you've completed this setup, you can create projects (Finance | Projects) and Payment options (Finance | Payment options (Debtors)) to enable the parents to pay via their d6 Connect app. 

    3rd Party integration:

    Authorise selected companies to extract the information needed to manage hand-over accounts.
    1. Whenever a user moves a new 3rd party to the right dual-listbox under the "3rd Party Integration Information" section, the system presents a popup dialog:
      "I understand that by activating these integrations that I am providing d6 with authorisation to share information from my d6+ environment with the selected third party, and I confirm that I am authorised to do so."

    © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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