SMS Replies

SMS Replies

My School > Communication > Replies
Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

SMS replies can now be received from selected numbers.
When SMS’s are sent out this function enables the receiver to communicate back to the sender to speed up the communication process. This enables the sender and receiver of the SMS to communicate back and forth until a certain issue is resolved or message is communicated.

View SMS Replies:

  1. On the right-hand side are the original messages sent from the school, as marked by the picture of a building icon.
  2. On the left-hand side are the replies from the recipients to the original messages sent, as marked by the picture of a person icon.
  3. Replies that have not been marked as read appears in bold.
  4. Replies that have been marked as read appears without the bold.
  5. To mark a message as read, click on the tick box next to the message and click on the eye with tick mark icon at the top to mark it as read.
  6. To select all messages tick the tick box at the top of the screen.
  7. To refresh the page, click on the refresh button at the top of the page.
  8. To navigate between multiple pages of messages, click on the black arrows in the top right corner.
  9. To return to the previous page on the system, click on the "back" Blue arrow at the top.
  10. You can alternatively view the replies at the My SMS screen. Click on My School > Communication > My SMS. Click on one of the entries that have replies. A page will open showing the original message, the reply with its details and who it was sent to.
  11. To mark a message as read or unread, click on the tick box next to the reply, choose from either "Mark as Read" or "Mark as Unread" and click on the Go button to mark them as such.
  12. To close this screen, click on the cross at the top right-hand corner.

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