

My School > Staff >  Staff

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Every staff member's details must be uploaded to the system. This includes information of all personnel on either Government/Department or Governing Body payroll. We must ensure that all information posted is correct. Note: The entering of a staff member is a continuous process.

It is best practice to ensure that ID numbers of all personnel are entered. If the content is incorrect, LURITS will reject the data.
If a staff member is not loaded on the system, other features of the program will not be functional, eg. with classroom setup.

Click on the "load staff member" button. The following sections will be displayed, which needs to be completed:
  • Staff Information
  • Next-of-kin Information
  • Medical Aid Information
  • Appointment Information
  • Qualification & Experience Information
  • Program Access Information
  • Communication Rights Information
  • Program Rights Information
  • Learner Overview Rights
  • Access to Excel Apps Information

Staff Information

  • In the first section, the staff's personal information is entered.
  • The boxes with red * are compulsory. This is important in order to continue with the next steps.
  • Read carefully what is required with each field, to speed up your process.
  • Select the category where the employee spends most of his/her time. By clicking on the down arrow a list of categories appears as follows: intermediate phase, senior phase, executive etc.
  • If the employee is involved in more than one category, for example serving on the governing body, the governing category must be selected in the additional category field, by selecting the category and press the Double Arrow in order for it to move to the right.
  • You must select "appointment for position" example: teacher, deputy principal, head, etc. You must also indicate on which day the staff member was appointed at the school and whether he/she was employed permanently or temporarily.
  • The Persal is the number provided by the Government, to each employee on their payroll number.
  • The VIP number is the number allocated by the payment system used by the governing body for compensation of personnel.
  • The SACE registration number is the registration number allocated to teachers.

Qualification & experience information

  • Select your qualification, if any, from the list. Select the qualification and click on the Double Arrow to move the selection to the right side.
    • Description of the qualifications:
    • Professional Degree: BEd Degree.
    • Academic Degree: BA / BSc / Bcom.
    • Education: HED, Diploma of a College Education.
    • Technical Diploma: NT (eg. N4) qualification.
    • Note: More than one of these categories can be selected.
At the level of qualification, select the level of your qualifications and the years of experience, as mentioned on your screen.

Program Access Information - Only the System Administrator / Superuser can set up user rights

  • The next section deals with user rights on the system and is done by the System Administrator / Superuser assigned by the Principal.
  • Create a username
  • Choose the default “program language”. This is the language in which the system will display when this user logs in to the system.
  • At “Send login details via:”, select either “e-mail” or “sms” option. It is compulsory that one of these two fields should be completed in the profile. This feature will enablethe user to set up a password for his/her profile.
  • “Read tasks delay (in seconds)":  Number of seconds that a user must wait to read tasks
  • The Security features can be changed by the Superuser.

Security features

Locked account after 5 incorrect login attempts
 security feature has been activated to protect user accounts of being accessed by guessing different passwords. Should an incorrect password be entered 5 times in a row, the account will be temporarily locked for 60 minutes, and the superuser of your school will be notified by email.  The user account can be unlocked in 3 ways:
  • Simply wait 60 minutes for the account to be automatically unlocked and then log in again with the correct password.

  • Use the "Forgot Password" feature to reset their password. Upon a successful reset, the account will be unlocked. The following details will have to be entered: School ID,  Username and the email address of the user as it is entered on the user profile in d6+.

  • The superuser at the school can manually unlock the account via the Staff Members edit screen at My School > Staff > Staff.

2-Factor authentication can also be activated by the Superuser.  

  1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your user accounts.
  2. After entering a password, users will be required to enter a unique verification code sent via email or SMS
  3. Users will be able to indicate their laptop/desktop/mobile phone as a trusted device for three months.
  4. Trusted devices will not require 2FA when logging in.
  5. After 3 months the trusted device will have to be indicated again.

  6. Communication Rights Information

    • Grant communication user rights to the staff member by clicking on the down arrow and choose between “yes” or “no”.
    • Please note that enabling rights for the Excel export option, will amend the Terms & Conditions between d6 and the school.

    Program Rights Information

    • Grant program user rights to the staff member by clicking on the down arrow and choose between “none”, “view” or “view and change”.
    • A separate user right is available to restrict access to report card templates. 
    • A separate user right is available to allow users to send report cards or timetables by email. 
    • To send report cards by email, users will also need the rights to print report cards. 
    • Remember to click on the green "save" button, in order to save the data.

How to edit a Staff member Profile

  • If you want to make changes to a staff member’s information:
  • Click the button next to the selected entry or select the "radio button" and click the "edit" button at the bottom.
  • The screen will just show all the information, the same screen you have seen in the creation, except that you can make changes to it now.
  • When you are at the end of the document, remember to click on the green "save" button for your work to be stored.

How to Archive a Staff Member Profile

  • If you want to archive a staff member:
  • Click on the "archive" (round red button with white cross) button, next to the entry you have selected, or select the "radio button" and then press the "archive" button.
  • At the bottom of the screen, you will have to confirm that you want to archive the staff member by clicking on "yes" .
  • If you have selected “Yes”, the staff member will not appear on the Current list. If you should require to view records of “Left” staff, you can alter the “Choose a status” option from “Current” to “Left”.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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