Staff Documents

Staff Documents

Documents or images for Staff members ,Parents and/or Learners. You can use this to upload a copy of a person's ID, birth certificates, proof of residence, immunization card, copy of last school's report, and other documents into d6+.

Uploading documents for individual Staff members, Parents and/or Learners:
My School > Staff > Staff Documents
View Current or Left staff members
Select to view all types of documents or a specific type only
Show only staff with and/or without documents
Type a person's name to view only one learner, parent or staff member’s documents
Documents are listed per selection
Click the Document Type link to filter for a specific document type
To load a document for persons without documents, click on Choose file, find the file, and select Load file
To view or download an existing document, click the Title link
To remove a document, click Remove for the specific document
The system indicates who uploaded the document as well as the date and time it was uploaded

Create different document types: My School > General > Document Types
Any number of additional types can be added according to the needs of your school.
Only one document can be uploaded per type, per person. If you would like to upload several similar documents, you'll have to create numbered types, for example, Therapist Report 1, Therapist Report 2, etc. Duplicate names are not allowed. Future development will add the ability to attach documents to events such as absenteeism.

User Rights
  • The ability to manage Document types is controlled by "1.1. School administration".
  • The ability to manage Staff documents is controlled by "1.2. Personnel administration".
  • The ability to manage Learner and Parent documents is controlled by "1.3. Learner / Parent administration".
  • The ability to view documents on Learner Overview is controlled by the Learner Overview "Documents" access right. 

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