Staff on d6 Connect

Staff on d6 Connect

My School > Communication

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article

How to register and link staff to channels on d6 Connect

The d6 Connect App is mainly used to communicate with the parents of learners in your school. To allow staff members access to news, calendars, homework and resources, they have to be added as "Other Contacts" to be linked to the relevant items.

Enable staff members to follow the App

  1. Import/capture all staff to Other Contacts.
  2. Import/Capture staff members as Other Contacts at My School > Other Contacts.
  3. To save time, export your staff details to Excel and copy/paste the required columns into the Import-template.
  4. Take note of the instructions on the first sheet that explains the formatting required.
    1. The entity id must be left blank to create a new contact. If filled in, the existing contact with that id will be updated.
    2. The country calling code must not include a +, e.g. 27 and not +27.
    3. A comma-delimited list of channels can be included to import / create / update channels with users.
    4. Date of Birth can be input either as yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd.
    5. The import file has to include either an email address or cell phone number or both.
    6. ID Number should be a 13 digit South African ID Number.
    7. If no Title is supplied, the system will default to “Mr”.

Invite Staff-Other Contacts to use the d6 App

Please note: Other contacts register via a Token Number which they receive when the school invites them.
  1. Go to My School > Communication > Connect Setup > Click on the Invitations Tab. 
  2. Edit the email and SMS tep0late to remove the token line that is no longer needed to register on d6 Connect. 
    Remove this line from the template "For further instructions and to start using the application visit {app:token_request_url}"
  3. On the Send tab > In the “To: field” choose “Select other contacts”.
  4. Choose the type of message that should be sent: Email and/or sms.
  5. Choose the contacts you want to send a message to on the left and move them over to the right.
  6. Click on “Send” to send out Invitations

How do Staff register on the App?

  1. Download the app from:
    1. Google Play (for android phones)
    2. App Store (for Apple phones)
    3. Web Portal (onto a laptop or Desktop computer)

  2. Upon opening the app for the first time, click the {Register]-button
  3. Set up a password for your access to the app.
  4. Click [Register].
  5. If the mobile number that the staff member use, is the same as the number entered for them in Other Contacts, the staff member will be linked to your school automatically.
  6. If you experience any problems during registration, click the link "Need Help?" at the bottom of the screen to contact the End User Support Team.

How do Staff register on the App as parents as well?

  1. If the staff member's mobile number is entered on their record as a parent, they will also be linked to their learners in your school automatically. 

Create a channel for Staff-Other Contacts:

When the "Staff-Other Contacts"-channel is linked to Resources and Calendars the staff will be able to view these on the App.
  1. Go to My School > Communication > Communication Channels.
  2. Create a new Channel for "Staff-Other Contacts".
  3. Select the staff added as Other Contacts,
  4. NOTE:  Staff selected as "Staff" for any channel will NOT BE ABLE to view any information on the app. They have to be added to the channels as "Other Contacts".

How to enable Staff-Other Contacts to see Homework.

Only parents of learners are able to see Homework added in My School > Communication > Homework.  To enable "Staff-Other Contacts" to view homework, it will have to be added as Resources.
  1. Create separate categories in My School > Communications > Categories
  2. Create a category for each grade and/or subject, e.g. Grade 08 Homework, Grade 9 Homework,  etc. at My School > Communication > Resource Categories
  3. To enable "Staff-Other Contacts" to view homework, the homework will have to be added as PDF documents in Resources as attachments. 

How to send a direct message to Staff-Other Contacts

  1. Go to My School > Communication > d6 Connect news item.
  2. Click on “New Message” and choose between “Same message for all" or “By Preferred language”.
  3. On the window that opens enter the subject and message and then click on the “Recipients”.
  4. In the window that opens you will find the option to send either a “Direct message” or a “Broadcast Message”.
  5. Click on the circle next to “Direct Message”.
  6. In the field “For” (where you choose the recipient of the message) choose “Staff-Other Contacts”.
  7. If needed, questions can be added that the recipient can answer via the app. 
  8. Choose specific Other Contacts, or the own Channel for staff, created before 

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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