My School > Curriculum > Subject Choices

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.
  • This function enables the user to allocate learners to subjects.
  • All the CAPS subjects, components and assessments as set out in the CAPS document, are already pre-loaded on the system and it is not necessary to add any subjects.


  • Click on the following buttons: My School / Curriculum / Subject Choices
  • You can choose between the following options: Per learner, Per Subject, Per Group


  • This option will allow you to allocate subjects to a specific learner.
  • Click on the "Per Learner" button.
  • Select the year.
  • Start typing the learner reference (Name, Surname, Admission number)  in the search field.
  • Select the term.
  • Select the subjects / terms that you want to allocate the learner to  and click on the "Right Arrow" button to allocate or the "Left Arrow"  button to remove the subjects per term.

To manage the subjects linked to a learner click the “Manage Subject” tab.

  • Select the term
  • You can now Add, Edit or delete subject from the learner by clicking the Add Subject, Edit Subject or Delete Subject icons.
  • If you click the Add / Edit button.
  • The learner and subject / list of unlinked subjects will when selected display
  • The subject group can be edited on this screen
  • By clicking the  subject link , you will be able to add a New subject group.
  • If you select a subject and click the Delete button a message will come up saying, "Are you sure you want to delete this learner's Subject?"


  • This option will allow you to allocate subjects to learners on a per subject basis.
  • Click on the "Per Learner" button.
  • Select the year.
  • Select the grade.
  • Select the applicable learning program.
  • Select the subject to which you want to allocate learners to.
  • Select the learners that you wish to allocate and click on the "Right Arrow"  button to allocate or the "Left Arrow" button to remove them.
  • Click on the "Submit" button to commit your changes.
  • Select the next subject and follow the same steps as above.
  • If it is necessary to separate a class in a dual-medium school, you can use the filter in the left box to type the class group name. It will then select only the children in that class in yellow. Move Learners to the right by clicking on the right-arrow .
  • Click on the "Submit" button to save the changes.
  • Click on the "Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • The system will navigate you back to the "Curriculum" screen.
The learners will now be allocated to those subjects. After the class grouping is completed, marks can be entered for the learners.


  • Select the year.
  • Select the grade.
  • Select the curriculum.
  • Select the applicable learning program.
  • Select the subjects that you want to allocate learners to and click on the "Right Arrow" button to allocate or the "Left Arrow" button to remove them.
  • Select the register classes that you want to allocate to the subjects and click on the "Right Arrow" button to allocate or the "Left Arrow" button to remove them.
  • Click on the "Allocate" button to commit your changes.
  • The register classes will now be allocated to the subjects.
  • Click on the "Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • The system will navigate you back to the "Curriculum" screen.
 © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.
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