This function enables the user to do the formula setup for mark calculations.
The calculation of promotion marks is required for all learners, to determine whether learners are promoted or not. These calculations are facilitated by the system using two types of formulas:

  • Template formulas ( where the same formula can be linked to more than one subject )

  • Subject specific formulas ( which can only be linked to a specific subject).

The system also facilitates three different types of marks (Promotion Mark, Year mark or Merit Mark). Subjects are linked to formulas and then the system will calculate the relevant marks according to the formula. There are no manual calculations needed to calculate the marks for the promotion mark, merit mark or Year mark.


  • Click on My School > Curriculum > Template Formulas  
  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type.


  • You can create your own formula by clicking on the "Add" button.
  • NOTE that the fields marked with the "!" icon  are compulsory fields. The following note will be displayed when you move the mouse over the triangular signs: (This field is required).
  • Type your new Formula's information in the available fields:
  • Type in the Formula Name in Afrikaans.
  • Type in the Formula Name in English.
  • Type in the Ordering number of the formula.
  • Select the Status of the formula.
  • Click on the "Accept Changes" button.
  • A message will be displayed asking if you are sure you want to commit the changes?
  • Make your selection by clicking "OK" or "Cancel" button. If you click "Ok", your information will be saved.
  • Note: If you are busy creating a new Formula and you DO NOT want to continue to save, click the "Discard Changes" button.
  • Note: Always make sure that the status of your formula type is "Active".
  • Your formula is now created, you can now edit the formula to continue with the setup.


  • To edit the details of a template formula - double click on the template formula you would like to make changes to:
  • The line will become editable:
  • Edit the Formula Name in Afrikaans.
  • Edit the Formula Name in English.
  • Edit the Ordering of the formula.
  • Edit the Status of the formula.
  • Click on the "Accept Changes" button to save your changes.
  • To edit a template formula, click on the ‘Edit Formula’ link next to the selected formula you would like to edit.
  • Assessment Types: These are already set up by the Department of Education.
  • Promotion mark: Make sure you selected the correct "Formula type" on the previous screen.
  • The SBA mark ‘bucket’ with an example weighting of (40) is calculated by the number of terms, as determined by the CAPS policy.
  • The exam mark ‘bucket’ with an example weighting of (60) is calculated as per the CAPS policy.
ONLY SBA, Exam and Other formula types, such as ‘Year Mark’ can be dragged and placed under the ‘Promotion Mark’:
  • To add an ‘Assessment Type’ to the formula - Click on the block of the relevant “Assessment Type”. Hold in the left mouse button, and drag the block to the right onto the “Promotion Mark” block, which will then display in green. Release the mouse button, and the new SBA block will then display underneath the Promotion Mark block:
  • You can follow the same procedure to create new "Practical", "Examination" and "Terms" blocks.
  • In the case where you have created a box, and you would like to remove it, click on the red “X” on the right hand side of the block.
  • You can complete the number of decimal places to round off the marks. Leave it blank if you need whole numbers without decimals.
  • Click on the "Submit" button to save your changes.
  • A message will come up telling you that your add was successful.
  • Click on the "Back" button and the system will navigate you back to the "Manage formulas" screen.
  • The new formula that you have created will now be displayed at the bottom of the existing formulas.


  • To assign a template formula to subjects - click on the "Assign To Subjects" button.
  • Select the Year.
  • Select the Curriculum.
  • Select the Formula Type: Promotion Mark, Year Mark or Merit Mark
  • Select the relevant Grade.
  • Select the relevant template formula.
  • Choose the relevant subject/s or "all subjects" in the left hand side box and move it to the right-hand box by clicking on the "Right arrow" button.
  • Click on the "Submit" button to save your information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have started building a template formula and when I click ‘submit’ nothing happens. Why?
- When building a template formula, you need to allocate (drag) at least one term per an assessment type before the system will allow you to save the template formula - by clicking on the ‘submit’ button.

  • How are final decisions calculated when a learner changes subject/s in the year?
-The system only takes the last term subjects (that apply) into account for the final decisions.  So the system will do the calculation for a learner - who, for example, had Mathematics in Term 1 & 2, and then switched to Mathematics Literacy in Term 3 - as follows:
- Term 1 = Use Mathematics.
- Term 2 = Use Mathematics Term 1 & 2.
- Term 3 = Ignore Mathematics Term 1 & 2, use Mathematics Literacy Term 3.
- Term 4 = Ignore Mathematics Term 1 & 2, use Mathematics Literacy Term 3 & 4.

  • Can I copy previous year formulas to the current year??
Yes, click on My School > Curriculum > Copy Learning Programs.
Make sure the block is ticked at the ‘Copy Formulas’ option. Please note: this can only be done when using the Copy YEAR to YEAR function.

                                                                                                                    © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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