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Timetabling is one of the most complex components in the school environment. By following the steps provided in the manuals, this complex process can be simplified. Please contact the Principal help desk should you need any assistance or visit our website for online and classroom training sessions on this topic.
Principal integrates with Principal Timetabler, our offline stand-alone timetabling system. This means that the program must be installed on a computer at the school.
What can I learn from this document?
NOTE: To apply changes to a current Timetable, repeat steps 5 - 10.
Different setups are needed for different types of Timetables.
- Set up Terms for next year
- Complete Waitlist Admissions, Re-registrations, Class Groupings and Promotions
- Create / Copy Learning programs for next year
- Setup Learning Program for Term 1
- Allocate Pupil Subjects
- Link Staff Classrooms and Class Names
- Link subjects to Teachers
- Setup the Learning program
- Assign subjects to teachers and pupils
- Setup Register classes and Class groupings
- Number of days in the cycle
- Breaks
- Fixed periods (e.g. Assembly)
- Times per period (e.g 07:30 - 8:10)
- Combinations tab: Set up subject combinations per grade
- Activities: Number of periods per subject per grade and class
- Sets: Combine subjects over different grade
- Timetable: Place periods into timetable slots
- View per Learner, Class, Grade or Teacher
- View at My School > Learners > Timetables or
- My School > Staff > Educator Timetables
Careful planning will ensure that your timetable setup will run smoothly. The following need to be considered:
Number of days in a cycle
Most schools set up a 5-day cycle, but it is possible to choose any number of days. e.g. 7-day, 10-day.
Number of periods per day
The number of periods per day will depend on the cycle.
Calculate the Total number of periods = Number of days x Number of periods per day.
Number of periods per subject
Plan the number of periods per subject, per grade and allocate teachers to subjects.
Suggestion: Create a similar table in Excel
List subjects by teacher
Sort the table to print a list per teacher.
Subject Combinations
Plan the subject groups per combination. (Refer to the example below)
Plan the layout of the timetable for each phase. Include the lessons, times, assemblies, breaks, etc.
The structure of the timetable will dictate the number of double periods you can fit into the timetable. If you require a lot of doubles, a structure with 3 lessons, break, 3 lessons will not be effective. Rather use even number periods where possible.
- Schools that have a High school and a Primary school must plan by using the above template. Often the times, number of periods, breaks etc. will differ between the High and Primary schools. The timetable setup must be broad enough to fit in both schools requirements.
- E.g. If the High School works on a 7-day cycle and the Primary School on a 5-day cycle (Monday to Friday), the timetable must be setup to accommodate the maximum number of days required, in this case 7 days. The Primary school will not use the last two days.
- Using the templates for each phase, work out the required number of “time slots” per day. This must include breaks, assemblies etc, not just lessons.
- E.g.: if the High school has 6 lessons on a Monday with register, two breaks and an assembly, they need 10 time slots on a Monday. If the Primary school has 10 lessons, register and two breaks on a Monday, they will need 13 time slots.
- Do not count the breaks as time slots.
- For Primary schools building Foundation and Intermediate Phase timetables where times and number of periods differ, follow the instructions above.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any costs involved?
Please contact the Accounts Department regarding the fees for the Timetable module. (email:
Promoting learners before the final reports?
In order to build a timetable for Term 1 of the following year, learners, teachers and their subjects need to be promoted to the following year. This will NOT affect the pass/fail verdict for the final reports.
Learners that failed will be corrected during the Final step in the Admin Year-end process.
What happens if learners, subjects or teachers change during the year?
The timetable that can be viewed in the system is NOT linked dynamically to the Timetabler program.
- Any changes to learner subjects or teachers during the year must be done in the system.
- Thereafter you would Import the system data into Timetabler where you can adjust the timetable
- Upon completion upload your timetable to the system once more to reflect on the learners and teachers.
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