Reports > DOE > Upload SA-SAMS Database 

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Please note: This step is NOT COMPULSORY

My School > Compliance > Upload SA-SAMS Database

This function allows for the upload of a zipped SA-SAMS database to retain extra or additional static data (captured in SA-SAMS) in all future exported databases from the d6+ system.
Once you have added all your static and/or other data on SA-SAMS you need to zip the database and follow the instructions

The database must be zipped BUT must not be in a folder then zip the folder. If this database is in a folder then you zip the folder d6 will prompt you that there is no database found when trying to upload.

 A historical SA-SAMS only database cannot be uploaded to d6+. This functionality caters for an exported database from d6+ where information was captured in SA-SAMS in the current year and latest version and then uploaded for that information to be obtained in the next export. 
Uploading an SA-SAMS database is only necessary for one of the specific reasons below, and if you do not use it for one of these reasons we would suggest you remove it as soon as possible to allow for a smooth end-of-year submission.

The d6+ Admin Year-End process will remove your uploaded database, always ensure to export, submit and back it up before that process as it will not be saved.

With the current exported database you will retain the following:   

What to Capture


Where in SA-SAMS

Infrastructure Register

For Public or Partially/Fully Subsidised schools who receive funds for building maintenance. This must be done annually. If you want your previous year’s data to be in the database, e-mail support for it to be transferred to the new database.

14.5 Infrastructure Register


Textbook Management for Public or Partially/Fully Subsidised schools who receive funds for textbook allocation to learners. We are also able to save a lot of time and bulk issue books in minutes directly from the MS Access database.

14.1 Learner Support Materials

Governance Documentation

Various required policies that should be kept at the school.

5 Governance Information

Subject Sets

If the school does an admin submission, this helps with subject allocation in SA-SAMS.

12.1.14/15 Maintain and Assign Subjects

If you need to retain the following this year, please contact support to assist:

For the below tables remember to patch an old uploaded database regularly to the latest SA-SAMS version on your PC or laptop and to upload it to the d6+ system.

What to Capture


Where in SA-SAMS

Previous Assets

Captured in SA-SAMS from Implementation

14.3 Fixed Assets


Staff evaluation details captured on SA-SAMS for public schools or departmentally paid staff. We support all SA-SAMS roles and logins for this process.

2.18 Development Appraisal and Performance Measurement


LSEN Learners support information.

3.1.9 SIAS


If you want the school's previous year’s data for any of the above sections of the current year's database in the new year, please email support for it to be inserted. 

                                                                                                           © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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