

My School > Learner > Whereabouts 

Type <ctrl> <f> to search for words in the article.
Learner whereabouts facilitates the handling of latecomers, learners that leave early and learners that miss certain periods during the day.  It acts as a link between the learner absenteeism and learner discipline modules.  This means you can capture valid learner absenteeism and at the same time indicate if the reason for absenteeism is due to a code of conduct related reason for absenteeism. The captured data in this step updates the usual absenteeism data as well as the code of conduct data.

Note: users with School Administration rights will be able to add/edit whereabouts  reasons at My School > General > Whereabouts setup
For more information on setting up Late Coming to show on the Disciplinary  report, refer to the article: Whereabouts Setup 

For more information on setting up Late Coming to show on the Disciplinary  report, refer to the article: Whereabouts Setup 

Capture Learners' Whereabouts

  • Select the Date for which you would like to capture or manage a learner’s whereabouts by clicking on the calendar icon.
  • Alternatively, use the blue arrow buttons to navigate the dates. 
  • Select the method for Grouping the learners.
  • Double click on the row of the learner for which you would like to capture Whereabouts.


  • Absentees can be added for a specific learner, click on the drop-down menu and select an absent reason.
  • To add a comment to the information captured, type in the comment in the block available.
  • Select if you would like an SMS to be sent to the learners' parents by selecting an option from the drop-down box. Please note that the selection of which parents should receive the communication is set up under My School >| School Setup. 
  • Click on the save button to store the information.
  • Alternatively, to capture a Learner’s absenteeism you can make use of the Absent/Late Shortcuts( the picture buttons next to the Learners' name).
  • By clicking on the applicable icon, the system will automatically open the page to capture the learner’s Whereabouts with the reason already captured.
  • To add a comment to the information captured, type in the comment in the block available.
  • Select if you would like an SMS to be sent to the learners' parents by selecting an option from the drop-down box.
  • Click on the save button to store the information.
  • With Arrived Late/Left early the system will automatically add the current time, the time can be changed if necessary.
  •  If a learner’s Whereabouts were captured as absent, and the learner arrives at school later, the absentee entry can be changed from Absent to Arrived Late and the reason can be changed.
  • To update the absent reason to "arrived late" reason, click the "magnifying glass"-icon next to the learner's name.
  • Select the Arrived Late- checkbox. The system will automatically cancel the absent reason and prompt you to complete the details for why the learner arrived late.
  • Click on the Store-button to store the information.  A message will appear which warns you that some data will be removed and changed.
  • Click on the "yes" button to accept the changes.
  • The system will automatically update the Whereabout Type and reason.

Periods not Attended 

This option can be used for learners that are not absent but arrived late or left early. As well as a learner who is present at school but did not attend class. (Truancy)
  • If a learner did not attend a period, capture the information and indicate for what reason the learner was not present in class.
  • Select a reason for the learner not attending a period from the drop-down box for the applicable periods not attended:
  • To add a comment to the information captured, type in the comment in the block available.
  • If your Curriculum is set up, you can select the subject of the period not attended from the drop-down list.
If any of these reasons have been linked to the learner’s discipline,  the system will automatically update the points allocated to the learner as set up at My School > Code of Conduct > Conduct when the reason is used for a learner. 
© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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