Whereabouts Report

Whereabouts Report

  1. Whereabouts For: Select the whereabouts period for the report, you have the option to choose Year, Term, and Date Range.
  2. Year: Select a year for the report.
  3. Report Type: Select the type of report, you can choose per learner, per whereabouts type, summary, or detailed.
  4. Report  For: Select which group you want to select, you can choose learners, register classes, subjects, or grades.
  5. Whereabouts Type: Select to filter per whereabouts type.
  6. Page Orientation: Choose the page orientation.
  7. Click on 'Generate' to preview the report or on 'Export to Excel to export. You will only see the Excel Export button if you have the correct user rights.
Please note: This report may take a long time to complete. Please be patient.

    © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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