Academic Criteria

Academic Criteria

My School  >  Achievements  >  Academic Criteria

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

This function provides the opportunity to set up certificates according to your own academic criteria.
Criteria formulas are entered to select learners according to their marks.
You can make use of Terms, Promotion marks, Merit mark or Year mark that have been set up in the Curriculum Formulas.

Please note that the formulas for the Promotional mark, Merit mark and/or Year mark should already be set up in My School > Curriculum > Year-End Formulas for this function to be used. 

Add a new Achievement Criteria.

  • Click the "Add new"-button

  • Rule Info: Type the rule name in the Afrikaans and English fields provided.

  • Demographic Rules: Indicate the gender, ethnic groups and/or LSEN learners that the rule should apply to.

  • Subject: Select the subjects applicable to this Academic Criteria.  (E.g. Subjects such as LO might be excluded)
  • Indicate whether the chosen subjects should be consolidated. This will influence the formula setup on the next tab.
            Consolidated: Selected subjects will be combined into one mark to determine e.g. the top student in the grade.
            Not Consolidated: Determine achievements per subject. 
  • Criteria: Set up a formula to calculate the list of achievers.
    See detailed instructions by searching for the "Academic Criteria: Criteria setup" article.

  • Optional Result: Use to display additional information on the certificate. E.g. the position in the grade.
    See detailed instructions by searching the "Academic criteria: Optional Results" article.

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